Dropbox abandonne son offre de stockage illimité en raison des mineurs de crypto-monnaie
- Dropbox is sunsetting its “Advanced Plan,” which offers unlimited storage to customers.
- La société a cité des activités épuisantes en énergie telles que la cryptographie et l’exploitation minière de Chia comme raison de cette décision.
- Under the new “Advanced Plan” with three licenses, customers will get 15 TB of storage shared by the team.
- Les clients utilisant moins de 35 To peuvent conserver leur stockage gratuitement, ainsi que 5 To supplémentaires de stockage en pool.
Dropbox, une société de services d'hébergement de fichiers basée à San Francisco, en Californie, a annoncé qu'elle cesserait d'offrir un stockage illimité à ses utilisateurs après avoir découvert plusieurs cas de personnes utilisant l'offre pour des processus gourmands en ressources comme l'extraction de crypto-monnaie. L’exploitation d’actifs numériques comme Bitcoin a attiré l’attention des conglomérats et des régulateurs en raison de ses besoins énergétiques accrus et de ses effets sur l’environnement.
Dans un blog Publier on August 24, Dropbox confirmed the news, stating that it is moving to a metered storage policy on its “Advanced Plan.” Furthermore, the American firm confirmed that the vast majority of its customers need not take any action and will be able to keep their existing storage and more for up to five years at no additional charge.
Dropbox added that it had introduced the Advanced Plan, offering businesses unlimited access to data storage under its “as much space as you need” policy. The plan offered customers access to as much storage as they needed, “along with sophisticated admin, audit, security, and integration capabilities,” said the firm, while adding:
“Over time, we found a growing number of customers were buying Advanced subscriptions not to run a business or organization, but instead for purposes like crypto and Chia mining, unrelated individuals pooling storage for personal use cases, or even instances of reselling storage.”
Dropbox confirmed that crypto and China miners consume thousands of times more storage than its regular customers while noting that under its Advanced Plan, it sought to provide “as much storage as needed to run a legitimate business or organization, not to provide unlimited storage for any use case.”
The firm noted that it would be difficult to introduce a list of “acceptable” and “unacceptable” use cases for its Advanced Plan and that it would be a daunting task to enforce them at scale. Therefore, it has decided to sunset the “as much space as you need” policy and is now transitioning to a metered model.
De plus, Dropbox a confirmé qu'à partir du 24 août, le nouveau plan Advanced avec trois licences actives permettra aux clients de recevoir 15 To d'espace de stockage partagé par l'équipe. De plus, chaque licence active supplémentaire recevra 5 To de stockage.
“Customers using less than 35TB of storage per license—over 99% of Advanced customers—will be able to keep the total amount of storage their team is using at the time they’re notified, plus an additional 5TB credit of pooled storage, for five years at no additional charge to their existing plan,” said Dropbox.
Comme l'a rapporté Bitnation précédemment, les législateurs américains ont envisagé mettre une interdiction sur l’extraction de crypto-monnaie, ce qui pourrait avoir des conséquences néfastes sur le secteur des actifs numériques.