Anthony Scaramucci a déclaré qu'il pensait que SBF était Mark Zuckerberg de crypto, mais il s'est avéré être Bernie Madoff de crypto.

Anthony Scaramucci claque SBF, l'appelle Bernie Madoff de Crypto

  • Anthony Scaramucci a déclaré qu'il pensait que SBF était Mark Zuckerberg de crypto, mais il s'est avéré être Bernie Madoff de crypto.
  • The Skybridge Capital founder believes that the “ninth circle of hell” is reserved for Bankman-Fried for betraying his trust.
  • Despite being “betrayed” by SBF, Scaramucci stated that he won’t stop taking risks and praised blockchain technology.
  • The Skybridge executive confirmed that he will be investing in ex-FTX US President Brett Harrison’s new crypto venture.

Après de nombreux arguments et déclarations produits par des personnes dans l'espace cryptographique, il est clair que l'effondrement de l'échange cryptographique de plusieurs milliards de dollars FTX était le résultat de la mauvaise gestion des fonds par son fondateur, Sam Bankman-Fried, également connu sous le nom de SBF. . Exprimant sa colère, l'associé directeur et fondateur de Skybridge Capital, Anthony Scaramucci, a déclaré qu'il se sentait trahi par les actions de l'ancien crypto milliardaire et entrepreneur. 

Scaramucci spoke at Casper Lab’s Blockchain Hub event in Davos, Switzerland, on Jan. 16, and révélé that he had placed his faith in SBF and his exchange, FTX. Interestingly, as per an earlier report from Bitnation, the two executives were in close contact, and FTX’s venture arm, FTX Ventures, a acheté une participation d'environ 30% dans Skybridge Capital, une société d'investissement mondiale basée à New York, aux États-Unis. 

The Skybridge executive pointed out that he had good relationships with SBF and his family, and when he got to know about the FTX founder’s actions, he felt betrayed. “I have to tell you that the betrayal and the fraud, it’s bad on a lot of different levels, it certainly hurt me reputationally, but I’m just talking about the visceral relationship with somebody,” Scaramucci said during his speech while adding: 

“If anybody here has read Dante Alighieri’s Inferno, you know what the ninth circle of Hell is reserved for […] It’s for the betrayal of a friend who lives with the devil — the ninth circle of hell on the frozen lake.”

It is clear that Scaramucci is not at all happy with the actions of Bankman-Fried, despite the fact that the two had good relations in the past. The former White House Director of Communications stated that he placed his faith in a person he was friends with and trusted and “got it wrong.”

“I’m a high-profile person so my mistakes get wildly magnified, [that’s] totally fine but I’m not gonna stop the risk-taking,” Scaramucci stated while adding: 

“I thought Sam was the Mark Zuckerberg of crypto, I did not think he was the Bernie Madoff of crypto.”

It is also crucial to note that the entrepreneur is not afraid of taking risks and added that he might “probably make that mistake again.” Scaramucci is still a firm believer in blockchain technology and added that a decentralized financial system is very effective as the parties don’t have to like or trust each other but “can transact with each other in a way that the technology basically sanctifies.”

Plus tôt cette semaine, Scaramucci a également confirmé que Skybridge Capital vise à racheter les actions vendues à FTX en 2022. Il est également à bord avec l'ancien président de FTX US, Brett Harrison, sur un nouveau logiciel de trading crypto pour les gros investisseurs.

Parthe Dubey
Parthe Dubey Auteur vérifié

Un journaliste crypto avec plus de 3 ans d'expérience dans DeFi, NFT, métaverse, etc. Parth a travaillé avec les principaux médias du monde de la crypto et de la finance et a acquis de l'expérience et de l'expertise dans la culture crypto après avoir survécu aux marchés baissiers et haussiers au fil des ans.

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