¿Qué es la industria de los criptoseguros y cómo funciona?
Cyber risk insurance, or “crypto insurance,” covers financial damages caused by hacking attempts. Most bitcoin trading platforms offer protection on customer deposits in the event of theft or hacking.
Here, we’ll discuss crypto insurance in depth, explaining how it operates and outlining the scope of its protections. If you’re interested in learning more, keep reading!
Seguro criptográfico: una breve descripción
Lloyds of London was the first insurance company to provide crypto liability insurance with limits as low as £1,000 (about $1,353) Insurance against the loss of bitcoin stored in an electronic wallet, developed in collaboration with the Lloyd’s syndicate Atrium and Coincover.
>> READ: Aprende a ganar dinero en línea
El límite de cobertura de estas pólizas se puede ajustar según el aumento y la caída del valor de las criptomonedas. Es decir, pase lo que pase con el valor del activo subyacente a lo largo de la vigencia de la póliza, siempre se indemnizará al asegurado por su coste de reposición.
Sin embargo, debido a la falta de respaldo oficial, las criptomonedas no se reconocen como efectivo legal en los Estados Unidos. Por esta razón, Bitcoin, Litecoin y Ethereum no califican para las redes de seguridad proporcionadas por la FDIC o la Securities Investor Protection Corporation.
¿Cómo funciona el criptoseguro y qué es?
En los Estados Unidos, los tenedores de valores convencionales, como los que invierten en bonos o acciones, a menudo reciben protección del gobierno federal o planes de seguros privados. Sin embargo, los criptoinversores estadounidenses no cuentan con las mismas garantías legales.
Existe la necesidad de un medio a través del cual los propietarios de criptomonedas puedan salvaguardar sus tenencias, y aquí es donde entra en juego el seguro de criptomonedas.
The need for bitcoin insurance, especially in the case of theft, is rising rapidly at the present time. However, as reliable risk assessments become more difficult to do owing to a lack of unified laws within the crypto-insurance market, the underwriting process becomes the largest problem for insurers. Some younger, more progressive firms have been more proactive in this area, but for the most part, initiatives like Stateside are still more of a “dipping toes into the water” than a full plunge.
Por lo tanto, ¿cómo puede estar seguro de que su bitcoin es seguro ya que el mercado aún en evolución es tan propenso a la volatilidad?
Companies like Gemini Crypto Insurance may be able to help in this regard. Head of Risk at Gemini in New York Yusuff Hussain said, “To date, insurers have been hesitant to insure the crypto industry due to the large number of high-profile hacks that have resulted in catastrophic losses over the years, and the poor security standards, internal controls, policies and procedures that have unfortunately characterized much of our industry.” Due to the high cost of premiums required by the few insurers willing to cover the sector, many cryptocurrency exchanges and custodians have either I been unable to secure insurance or (ii) avoided it.
Gemini, a New York trust business, “is certainly a safe and secure exchange and custodian where consumers may purchase, sell, and keep digital assets in a regulated, secure, and compliant way,” we were able to convince insurers.
Los detalles de esta cobertura serán determinados únicamente por las empresas que opten por suscribir y asegurar los activos digitales subyacentes.
A firm like Coinbase Crypto Insurance, for instance, may advertise itself as follows: “We are constructing the crypto-economy — a more fair, accessible, efficient, and transparent financial system powered by crypto.”
Nuestro viaje comenzó en 2012 con la idea revolucionaria de que las transacciones de Bitcoin podían ser simples y seguras para los usuarios de todo el mundo. Ahora puede utilizar nuestra plataforma segura y fácil de usar para participar en la creciente criptoeconomía.
They aren’t taking it lying down, either. Over 100 nations are represented by their 73 million verified users, 10,000 recognized institutions, and 185,000 ecosystem partners. They also boast a whopping $255 billion in assets.
Ahora, este mecanismo es elegantemente sencillo y sorprendentemente matizado. Aunque las monedas virtuales no se reconocen como efectivo legal en los Estados Unidos, la moneda fiduciaria utilizada para comprarlas sí lo es. Las aseguradoras considerarán el tipo de dinero utilizado para comprar el activo digital como parte de la cartera de riesgos general al considerar si suscribir y aceptar la póliza de seguro o no.
Which Crypto Risks Don’t Get Covered by Crypto Insurance?
Again, this is very dependant on the insurer, but in most cases, the insurance will not cover the actual loss or damage to hardware or the unauthorized transfer of bitcoin. In addition, it offers no security in the event that the asset’s underlying blockchain is ever compromised or fails.
¿Es el criptoseguro una buena idea?
To begin, governments and regulatory agencies will have an effect eventually even if cryptocurrency’s creators want to avoid regulation like the plague. According to a recent research by the respected European think tank CEPS, “The EU is proposing a uniquely specialized framework for crypto-asset providers in the EU under the MiCA law, the first international bloc to do so.” If the EU passes this legislation, only licensed providers will be able to distribute cryptocurrency and run cryptocurrency exchanges within the EU.
En consecuencia, en los próximos años, las aseguradoras buscarán una mayor certidumbre regulatoria antes de ampliar la cobertura para lograr precios más competitivos, y deberán hacerlo con relativa rapidez.
Insurers and yes, even bankers (sacre bleu!) will need to join in on the action if they want to take part in a market that will only expand and become more lucrative since digital assets are hardly a new phenomena and if we’re going to include crypto under that umbrella term (and we do).
La pregunta es por qué las aseguradoras dudan tanto. Parte de la culpa de este cambio radica en la naturaleza dinámica del entorno regulatorio. Una firma fiduciaria de Dakota del Sur recibió un estatuto de banco fiduciario nacional por parte de la Oficina del Contralor de la Moneda (OCC) en enero del año pasado. Cuando esto sucedió, se estableció como el primer banco con sede en los EE. UU. que se ocupa solo de activos digitales. Es posible que el respaldo y los seguros del gobierno eventualmente deban seguir su ejemplo, lo que ofrece algunos temas intrigantes relacionados con los impuestos sobre herencias y ganancias de capital.
La Comisión de Bolsa y Valores (SEC, por sus siglas en inglés) se ha unido a la refriega, por así decirlo, proporcionando orientación sobre cómo los corredores de bolsa deben funcionar como custodios de valores de activos digitales sin entrar en conflicto con los reguladores.
¿Es posible adquirir un criptoseguro individual?
Yes, albeit it’s more complicated than just saying one word. According to Brian O’Connell, an insurance analyst at Insurance Quotes, “most crypto assets are presently not covered by insurance, and that is owing to the relative immaturity of the cryptocurrency sector.”
More so than private investors, bitcoin exchanges are anticipated to have the greatest share of the insurance market for digital assets. If you want to know whether or not your platform provides protection for its users who make purchases of cryptocurrencies, you’ll have to contact it directly.
¿Por qué es importante el seguro de criptomonedas?
Según una publicación fascinante sobre seguros de criptomonedas escrita por AON, se han robado más de $1.300 millones en criptomonedas de los intercambios desde que se generó el primer bloque de Bitcoin en 2009. Esto equivale a un promedio de $2.7 millones perdidos diariamente en 2018. Como resultado, todos los que quieran poseer activos digitales deberían considerar comprar un seguro.
Of course, thieves have recognized the limitless potential in the quick and easy transfer of large quantities of money. The only way to get money is by committing a theft, and there are, of course, restrictions on how much may be stolen at once. Furthermore, currency may be tracked or, as with the robbery of a Northern Ireland bank’s vault a few years ago, reissued with a new design, rendering the old ones unusable and illegal.
En cuanto a las criptomonedas, un ladrón potencial solo tiene que acceder a los datos esenciales del titular de una criptomoneda para transferir digitalmente todo lo que quiera directamente a su cuenta anónima.
To choose the finest crypto-insurance company, you’ll have to do some research on your own time. AON cryptocurrency insurance is making headlines, but Lloyds appears to be at the top of the list. Coincover is another British firm offering several types of insurance that you should investigate.
Poner dinero en la industria de criptoseguros
It is important to keep in mind that most bitcoin businesses are startups or exchanges. The market is too small to provide significant income for the insurance sector at this time. However, even the largest cryptocurrency exchange in North America, Coinbase, only has 2% of its coins guaranteed by Lloyd’s of London.
Intriguingly, some of these coins are kept in “hot storage,” or internet-connected places, while others are kept in “cold storage,” or offline locales. This makes it extremely difficult to verify whether or not they are actually covered by their chosen insurance.
There’s no denying that cryptocurrency and other digital assets will alter our relationship to and perception of currency. How we plan for our financial future is likely to be affected by them sooner rather than later.
Sin embargo, ¿qué pasa con el seguro criptográfico personal? Algunas empresas se están adaptando para ofrecer una póliza de criptoseguro privada entre sus servicios, aunque la cobertura y las primas varían mucho entre los proveedores, y los activos digitales aún no están asegurados por la corporación federal de seguros de depósitos.
Doing so is risky, therefore we recommend beginning on a modest scale. Don’t get duped by “too good to be true” promotional deposits that promise enormous rewards; instead, build your portfolio carefully and slowly utilizing reputable exchanges.
In 1688, Lloyd’s of London began protecting British merchant maritime enterprises from piracy and natural disasters like shipwrecks. It makes perfect sense for them to push insurance further into the future. Even if it seems like Europe and Asia have a leg up, the recent passionate support of Bitcoin by Elon Musk means that we live in very exciting times.