Ripple se asocia con el Banco Central de Colombia para explorar las CBDC
- Colombia tiene la quinta economía más grande de América Latina y una criptocomunidad en crecimiento.
- La mayoría de los sudamericanos dependen de las criptomonedas para las remesas y para combatir la inflación.
- Ripple obtuvo recientemente una gran victoria en su caso contra la SEC cuando un tribunal publicó correos electrónicos que contenían el controvertido discurso pronunciado por el exdirector de la SEC, William Hinman.
Colombia’s central bank, Banco de la República, is collaborating with payment provider Ripple to test blockchain technologies on the XRP ledger. Ripple has focused on increasing its presence in Latin America, and the partnership with Colombia’s central bank is a step in that direction.
En su anuncio, Ripple revealed that Colombia’s central bank and the Ministry for Information and Communications Technologies (MinTIC) will leverage Ripple’s CBDC platform, XRPL, to “pilot use cases that will enhance Colombia’s high-value payment system.” The project is part of MinTIC’s exploration of blockchain technology.
Ripple added that the CBDC platform “will be experimented with and tested in a controlled environment without compromising public resources.” As per an official announcement, the pilot will run through 2023.
Según el anuncio,
The goal of the third phase of MinTIC’s experimentation with blockchain will be to educate national and territorial public entities through interactive and collaborative real-world application experiments on how blockchain technology’s unparalleled speed, scalability, and transparency can revolutionize payment systems and data management.
Mauricio Lizcano, Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of Colombia, hailed the partnership with Ripple as a progressive effort. Lizcano explained that “potential efficiencies can be evaluated through the results obtained in the development of a solution with blockchain technology, which manages to improve and complement the processes in the entities in a safe and efficient way.”
James Wallis, vice president of Central Bank Engagements and CBDCs at Ripple, noted that the partnership would further reflect the importance and relevance of blockchain technology. Wallis added that “this project will pave the way for transformative advancements in the utilization of blockchain technology within the public sector.”
CBDCs differ from regular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Some nations see them as less risky digital assets. CBDCs are the central bank-backed digital equivalent of a country’s fiat currency, such as the US dollar or the euro.
Presently, the Bahamas, Nigeria, and China are some of the few countries that have launched CBDCs. Others are presently researching or about to release their CBDC. Colombia’s interest in releasing a CBDC was first announced last year by the country’s director of Colombia’s tax and customs agency. The move, according to the director, was to improve transactions and prevent tax evasion.
Ripple asegura una gran victoria contra la SEC
Ripple has seen increased growth amidst the rising demand for CBDCs. Ripple aims to help financial institutions like banks transact quickly and without fees. The project’s creators launched the XRP token, which has been at the center of a lawsuit between Ripple and the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
los SEGUNDO presentó una demanda sorpresa contra Ripple a fines de 2020, alegando que la empresa de pagos había engañado a sus inversores y vendido valores no registrados en forma de tokens XRP. Ripple negó tales afirmaciones y ha estado en una batalla legal en curso con el regulador de EE. UU.
Curiosamente, Ripple obtuvo una gran victoria a principios de esta semana cuando un tribunal publicó correos electrónicos relacionados con un discurso ampliamente publicitado del exdirector de la SEC, William Hinman, quien argumentó que Ethereum y Bitcoin no eran valores. Ripple y la mayor parte de la criptocomunidad creen que los correos electrónicos cambiarían el resultado del caso, ya que muestran que la SEC no ha tenido una opinión coherente sobre las criptomonedas.