Entwickler kündigt Pläne zur Eröffnung des Bitcoin Tower in Dubai an

  • Der Bitcoin Tower erkennt die Auswirkungen von Kryptowährungen auf der ganzen Welt an.

As the world marks Bitcoin’s 13th Pizza Day, a Dubai-based developer has shared an ambitious plan to erect the world’s first Bitcoin Tower. According to the developer, the project aims to demonstrate the Bedeutung von digitalen Vermögenswerten und Kryptowährungen.

Salvatore Leggiero, der Entwickler, der das Projekt unterstützt und CEO von Metaverse Investments LLC, erklärte in einem Aussage that the project mirrors the global importance of cryptocurrencies. He noted that the “innovative approach to hospitality reflects the growing importance of cryptocurrencies in today’s society and is an excellent way for people to experience and learn more about them.”

Leggiero fügte hinzu, dass das 40-stöckige architektonische Wahrzeichen Blockchain-Technologie verkörpern, die Reduzierung von Kohlenstoffemissionen fördern und künstliche Intelligenz vorantreiben werde.

Der Bitcoin Tower wird auch nicht fungible Token (NFTs) mit einzigartigen Funktionalitäten bereitstellen, um Kunden zu belohnen. Gäste können durch den Einsatz digitaler Währungen Geld verdienen, die sie mit ihrer Mietzahlung einlösen können.

Leggiero noted that the Bitcoin Tower “will be the first hotel that gives you back the money you paid, plus interest.” He also revealed that he contacted prominent architect Simone Micheli in search of ideas for the digital portrayal of the tower. Leggiero believes the project will bridge the gap between digital and physical assets, causing a revolution in the real estate market.

Er sagte,

What I propose is a real estate revolution, creating a bridge between digital and physical real estate. The Bitcoin Tower will be the starting point for all those who want to participate in this revolution’.

Leggiero, in his statement, extended an invitation to creatives, architects, artists, and crypto enthusiasts to take part in this ground-breaking project. According to the developer, “all those who want to can submit their works that will form an exclusive collection of NFTs dedicated to the Bitcoin Tower’s design or its internal spaces, in a digital space representing an asset of exceptional tangible value.”

The project is expected to be unveiled on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, at the Bella Restaurant Lounge of the Grand Millennium Business Bay in Dubai.

Lawrence Woriji
Lawrence Woriji Verifizierter Autor

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