FTX Bağlı Kuruluşu LedgerX, CFTC'nin Hedefi Altında
- Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) commissioner Kristin N. Johnson said that the regulator of the US derivatives markets had “boots on the ground” at LedgerX.
- Johnson repeated remarks made by CFTC Chairman Rostin Behnam, who said at a futures conference that his agency’s oversight was responsible for LedgerX’s ability to avoid bankruptcy.
- CFTC requires FTX’s subsidiary to have reserves, including a one-year liquidity reserve, and to refrain from touching, pledging, investing, or posing any other threats to functioning capital.
On Thursday, a commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), Kristin N. Johnson, stated that the regulator of the US derivatives markets had “boots on the ground” at LedgerX, a US-based division of the FTX, whose CEO had recently resigned due to uncertainty surrounding the functioning of the firm.
At a conference on cryptocurrency regulation in London, Johnson was expressing her views on the matter and stated that the financial regulator was “monitoring and overseeing on a daily, if not hourly basis, verifying what we believe to be the case, which is [that] every dollar of customer assets held at LedgerX continues to be available.”
dikkat çekicidir ki, CFTC ve iflas kripto borsasının ABD kolu olan FTX US, LedgerX kullanarak birbirleriyle etkileşime girdi. Bir önceki yıl FTX tarafından satın alınmadan önce düzenlenmiş bir türev merkezi olmak için 2017 yılında CFTC'ye başvuruda bulundu.
She repeated remarks made by CFTC Chairman Rostin Behnam, who said earlier this week at a futures conference that his agency’s oversight was responsible for LedgerX’s ability to avoid bankruptcy. Johnson emphasized that LedgerX was one of the businesses left out of FTX’s bankruptcy filing on Friday.
CFTC’s Regulation Of LedgerX
Komiser Johnson'a göre CFTC, LedgerX'in aylık, üç aylık ve yıllık incelemelere tabi olarak ayrı fonlar tutmasını ve tüketiciler adına hesaplarda tutulan varlıkların meşruiyetini kanıtlamak için bilançolar ve doğrulanmış banka hesap özetleri sağlamasını zorunlu kılmıştı.
Additionally, she claimed, it requires FTX’s subsidiary to have reserves, including a one-year liquidity reserve, and to refrain from touching, pledging, investing, or posing any other threats to functioning capital.
She asserted that the CFTC always has “a number of options” for providing oversight to maintain market integrity, even in the absence of regulation.
Yine de, Johnson'a göre, CFTC'nin piyasa katılımcılarıyla etkileşimde bulunmak ve onları ABD piyasalarının düzenleyici çerçevesine girmeye zorlamak için Kongre'den doğrudan yetki alması gerekiyor.
She compared the interaction between American regulators to “coming to Thanksgiving dinner” and added that “there are some folks you might not necessarily sit beside.”
arasında sürekli bir mücadele olmuştur. CFTC ve SEC Kripto alanını devralmak için kime yeşil sinyal verileceği konusunda ve her iki düzenleyicinin Başkanları, Bitcoin'in bir emtia olduğuna inanırken, her ikisinin de belirteçlerin menkul kıymetler ve hangilerinin emtia olarak kabul edilebileceği farklı versiyonları vardır.
Recently, a polician criticized SEC Chai Gary Gensler and called his organization “power hungry.”
“Under Chair Gensler, the SEC has become a power-hungry regulator, politicizing enforcement, baiting companies to “come in and talk” to the Commission, then hitting them with enforcement actions, discouraging good-faith cooperation,” said Gensler.