Arjantin Bankası Uala Kripto İşini Durduracak: Ayrıntılar
- Arjantinli fintech firması Uala, en az 300.000 kullanıcının en az bir kez dijital varlık ticareti yaptığı kripto işini askıya aldı.
- Banka, kripto satıcılarına MEP dolarına benzer bir oranda peso olarak ödenecek 5% komisyon verecek.
- Arjantin Merkez Bankası, fintech firmalarının kripto ile uğraşmasına veya müşterilerine kriptoya erişim sağlamasına izin verilmediğini duyurdu.
- The regulation from the Central Bank has also affected Mercado Pago, Argentina’s leading fintech firm.
Kripto endüstrisi şu anda, dijital varlıkların düzenlenmesine ilişkin dünya çapındaki düzenleyici belirsizlikten ve kripto kışının başlamasının ardından kripto para birimlerinin fiyatındaki keskin düşüşten büyük ölçüde etkileniyor. İlginç bir şekilde, yerel basında çıkan haberlere göre, bankası olmayan Arjantinlileri hedef tahtasına koyan Arjantin'deki popüler bir elektronik banka olan Uala, kripto işini kapatacağını doğruladı.
bu bildiri added that there are around 300,000 people who are customers of Uala and hold crypto assets. The platform has stated that these people who have their crypto stored in the electronic bank’s digital wallet will have to sell their digital assets within a 30-day period. Additionally, for the sale, the bank will give its crypto holders a 5% commission, which will be settled in pesos at a rate similar to the MEP dollar.
“All the people who have opened an account to operate crypto through Ualá have already been notified. Those who have money invested in crypto will receive economic compensation of 5% on the amount sold after the liquidation of their holdings as recognition for having trusted our proposal”, Uala said.
The MEP dollar, or Mercado Electrónico de Pagos, also known as the “foreign tourist dollar,” represents the exchange rate that tourists access when they pay for consumption in the country with a card.
The reason for this decision from Uala, established in 2017 by Pierpaolo Barbieri, is the decision from the Central Bank of last week that stated that virtual wallets, or “Payment Service Providers that Offer Payment Accounts (PSPCP)”, “may not carry out or facilitate their clients to carry out operations with digital assets.”
Ualá had to stop selling Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), the top two cryptocurrencies that it previously allowed its customers to buy and store. The feature to trade BTC and ETH was rolled out in November last year, as reported by CoinDesk. Interestingly, the company said that it had restricted the users from transferring and receiving crypto assets in their digital wallets “since that implies a risk for the user and for the platform.”
Bununla birlikte, Arjantin pazarında bulunan kripto para borsalarının ve cüzdanların tekliflerini değiştirmediği, ancak Uala'nın bunu yapmaya karar verdiği de bir gerçektir.
Furthermore, the new regulation from the Central Bank of Argentina, was applicable throughout the fintech market, and as a result, it also prohibited Mercado Pago, the country’s leading fintech firm, from incorporating cryptocurrencies into its investment offering. The bank provides crypto offerings in Brazil and Mexico.
“We are forced to suspend the possibility of operating crypto, which in any case was just one more option within our investment menu, which is very broad,” said the company sources.
They limited themselves to saying that “each fintech, with its legal department, has made its interpretation of the norm, and we consider that we were included” when asked about the differences with other businesses.
Bitnation tarafından daha önce bildirildiği üzere, Arjantin Hür ve Kabul Edilmiş Masonlar Büyük Locası NFT çoğunluğuna katıldı ve 77 NFT yayınladı under the banner “CryptoMasons.” All the proceeds from the sale went to regional charities backed by the chapter.