Binance, CZ и 3 влиятельных лица названы в судебном процессе $1B
- Binance, Changpeng Zhao и три влиятельных лица были названы в судебном процессе на сумму $1 млрд, утверждая, что они занимались продвижением незарегистрированных ценных бумаг.
- Юридическая фирма Moscowitz и Boies Schiller Flexner подали иск в Южном округе Флориды и требуют возмещения ущерба трем инвесторам.
- Три влиятельных лица, упомянутые в иске Binance, — это звезда НБА «Майами Хит» Джимми Батлер, а также ютуберы Грэм Стефан и Бен Армстронг (BitBoy Crypto).
- “We’ve been investigating these same unregistered security issues against Binance for over a year,” said the lawsuit.
Binance, the world’s largest crypto exchange by spot trading volume, has been the center of many lawsuits amid increasing regulatory pressure in the US. Interestingly, the exchange has also faced pressure to discontinue the minting of its stablecoin, BUSD. As per a report, the crypto exchange along with its CEO and co-founder, Changpeng Zhao, also known as CZ in the crypto space, along with three other influencers have been named in a $1 billion lawsuit.
Согласно отчету из Удача, Юридическая фирма Moscowitz и Boies Schiller Flexner подали иск против Binance, CZ и трех влиятельных лиц в Южном округе Флориды, утверждая, что криптобиржа несет ответственность за незаконное продвижение незарегистрированных ценных бумаг с помощью платных влиятельных лиц.
“This is a classic example of a centralized exchange which is promoting the sale of an unregistered security,” said the filing while explaining the charges.
The three influencers named in the Binance lawsuit are NBA Miami Heat star Jimmy Butler, and YouTubers Graham Stephan and Ben Armstrong (BitBoy Crypto). In a similar lawsuit against Voyager Digital, the law firm claimed that influencers promoting “unregistered securities” are liable for customer losses. It seems that the same issue appears here as well.
It is crucial to note that the influencers and the exchange are asked to pay $1 billion as damages to investors. “We’ve been investigating these same unregistered security issues against Binance for over a year,” said the lawsuit, while adding that the partners of Binance and CZ are responsible for the losses of the customers and will have to pay accordingly.
В иске также утверждается, что инвесторы, пострадавшие от поддержки Binance, CZ и влиятельных лиц, не обязаны доказывать суду, что на них повлияли эти рекламные кампании. В дело были вовлечены более трех изобретателей, и юридическая фирма заявила, что могли быть затронуты миллионы инвесторов. План состоит в том, чтобы добавить к делу больше инфлюенсеров.
Генеральный директор Binance объясняет связи с Китаем
Binance и его отношения с Китаем скрывались более семи лет, claims a report from the Financial Times, and this news rocked the industry. “We no longer publish our office addresses … people in China can directly say that our office is not in China,” Zhao had reportedly said in a company message group in November 2017.
On the other hand, the exchange spoke to Cointelegraph, confirming that it “does not operate in China nor do we have any technology, including servers or data, based in China,” and adding:
“While we did have a customer service call center based in China to service global Mandarin speakers, those employees who wished to remain with the company were offered relocation assistance starting in 2021.”
It is also important to mention here that Binance, CZ, and the exchange’s Chief Compliance Officer, Samuel Lim, were sued by the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) for нарушение правил торговли и деривативов.