Kraken processado pela SEC por operar uma bolsa não registrada
- A Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) entrou com uma ação contra Kraken no tribunal federal em 20 de novembro.
- A SEC afirma que a empresa operava como uma bolsa de valores, corretora, distribuidora e agência de compensação não registrada.
- O regulador também alegou que a Kraken combinou até $33 bilhões em ativos de clientes com os seus próprios.
- Senator Cynthia Lummis criticized the SEC’s actions, asking Congress to draft clear rules for the agency to follow.
Kraken, uma plataforma líder de negociação de ativos digitais com sede em São Francisco, Estados Unidos, foi processada pela Comissão de Valores Mobiliários dos EUA (SEC) por operar uma bolsa de valores não registrada, corretora, revendedora e agência de compensação na região. Esta será a segunda vez que as autoridades dos EUA visam a troca.
De acordo com uma reclamação arquivado em 20 de novembro, no tribunal federal de São Francisco, a SEC alegou que, desde 2018, Kraken opera uma plataforma que permite ilicitamente aos clientes comprar e vender criptomoedas. Além disso, foi confirmado que a exchange cripto se defenderá em tribunal e não concorda com as acusações impostas pela SEC.
O regulador ainda acredita que as criptomoedas são contratos de investimento e, portanto, estão sujeitas à lei de valores mobiliários dos EUA. Por outro lado, Kraken e outras bolsas importantes como Binance e Coinbase apontaram que isso não é verdade.
The SEC said that Kraken allowed users to buy and sell crypto illegally and “created risk for investors and taken in billions of dollars in fees and trading revenue from investors without adhering to or even recognizing the requirements of the US securities laws that are designed to protect investors,” while adicionando:
“Without registering with the SEC in any capacity, Kraken has simultaneously acted as a broker, dealer, exchange, and clearing agency with respect to these crypto asset securities.”
The SEC also accused Kraken of commingling customers’ assets. The regulator alleges that due to the exchange’s business practices and “deficient” internal controls, the trading platform commingled up to $33 billion worth of customer assets with its own. This caused a “significant risk of loss” for its clients, noted the SEC.
“We allege that Kraken made a business decision to reap hundreds of millions of dollars from investors rather than coming into compliance with the securities laws. That decision resulted in a business model rife with conflicts of interest that placed investors’ funds at risk,” said Gurbir S. Grewal, Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement, while adding:
“Kraken’s choice of unlawful profits over investor protection is one we see far too often in this space, and today we’re both holding Kraken accountable for its misconduct and sending a message to others to come into compliance.”
Conforme relatado anteriormente pela Bitnation em fevereiro, Kraken resolveu uma ação judicial com a SEC, paying $30 million. The regulator filed a lawsuit against the exchange over its staking services, claiming that it failed “to register the offer and sale of their crypto asset staking-as-a-service program.”
It is crucial to mention here that Senator Cynthia Lummis commented on the lawsuit filed by the SEC, stating that “crypto asset companies have repeatedly tried to get guidance from the SEC only to be hit with enforcement actions, causing unnecessary harm to consumers.”
The American attorney and politician serving as the junior United States senator from Wyoming asked the Congress to “pass a regulatory framework to provide clear rules to the SEC on what is a security and what is a commodity.”