Elon Musk is optimistisch over Bitcoin
- Bitcoin is verre van zijn hoogste punt ooit, maar Musk verwacht dat het de bearmarkt zal overleven.
- Musk has remained active since the FTX saga, revealing that he rejected Sam Bankman-Fried’s offer to help him purchase Twitter.
De nieuwe Twitter-CEO en cryptoliefhebber Elon Musk is optimistisch dat Bitcoin weer op volle sterkte zal komen, ondanks dat het zich op een van de dieptepunten bevindt. Net als de rest van de markt werd Bitcoin verzwakt door de FTX-sage, die de krantenkoppen blijft domineren.
In a tweet, Musk wrote, “Bitcoin will make it, but it might be a long winter.” His comments might have sparked fresh hope in the hearts of his followers, who have been distraught by Bitcoin’s performance in this bear market.
BTC zal het redden, maar het kan een lange winter worden
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) 14 november 2022
Musk’s comments came in response to questions about Bitcoin’s future. About a year ago, the foremost cryptocurrency traded at an impressive all-time high of $69K. But according to Coinmarketcap, Bitcoin wordt momenteel verhandeld tegen $16.601,35.
Ondanks de recente kritiek die hij heeft gekregen, is Musk actief gebleven in onderwerpen met betrekking tot de crypto-industrie. De miljardair gaf onlangs commentaar op de ineenstorting van FTX. De CEO van Tesla zei dat hij het afwees Sam Bankman-Fried‘s offer to help fund his Twitter acquisition. Musk said the now disgraced FTX founder set off his ‘bulls**t meter.”
While speaking in a Twitter Spaces audio chatroom, Musk claimed he had never heard of the 30-year-old SBF. Musk said close sources informed him of Bankman-Fried’s desire to bankroll the purchase. He said,
But then I got a ton of people telling me [that] he’s got, you know, huge amounts of money that he wants to invest in the Twitter deal. And I talked to him for about half an hour. And I know my bulls**t meter was redlining. It was like, this dude is bulls**t – that was my impression.
Musk shared more details about his impressions of Bankman-Fried, adding that he felt “there’s something wrong, and he (Bankman-Fried) does not have capital, and he will not come through. That was my prediction.”
Meanwhile, FTX announced on Saturday that it observed “unauthorized transactions.” Several analysts revealed that assets worth millions of dollars were withdrawn from the collapsed exchange.