La division des institutions financières du Nevada a déposé une requête pour placer le dépositaire de crypto Prime Trust sous séquestre. 

Prime Trust doit être placée sous séquestre: régulateur du Nevada

  • La Division des institutions financières du Nevada a déposé une requête pour placer Prime Trust sous séquestre. 
  • Le régulateur a émis une ordonnance de cesser et de s'abstenir contre le dépositaire de crypto le 21 juin. 
  • The firm agrees with the petition due to the “substantial deficit between its assets and liabilities.”
  • The petition states that the crypto custodian is “operating in an unsafe and unsound manner.”

The Nevada Financial Institutions Division has filed a petition with the Eighth Judicial District Court of Nevada to put crypto custodian and digital asset infrastructure provider Prime Trust in receivership after the regulator issued a cease-and-desist order against the firm on June 21 claiming that its financial condition had “considerably deteriorated.” The regulator has asked the court to appoint a receiver as well. 

Dans la pétition déposé by the Nevada regulator in the district court on June 26, the Financial Institutions Division asked for a temporary restraining order and an order appointing a receiver to Prime Trust Technologies, including the firm’s crypto business. On the other hand, the crypto firm has agreed to be placed into receivership because of the “substantial deficit between its assets and liabilities.”

The Nevada regulator asked the court to make an immediate appointment of Prime Trust with a receiver, stating that there is a risk of “irreparable harm” to customers, the public, and “confidence in the emerging market of cryptocurrency,” while adding that the company “is in an unsafe financial condition and/or is insolvent.” The regulator believes that the firm’s condition “will only progressively worsen as customers continue to withdraw,” said the petition. 

Un communiqué de presse partagé by the regulator via its official account on social media platform Twitter confirmed the news while noting that the crypto custodian is “operating in an unsafe and unsound manner.”

“The petition asks the court to appoint a receiver to take over the day-to-day operations of the company and thoroughly examine all its finances to determine the best option to protect Prime’s clients, either by rehabilitating and returning the company to private management or by liquidating the company,” read the release.

Le régulateur du Nevada a noté que Prime Trust doit à ses clients environ $85 millions mais ne dispose que de $2,9 millions. 

Comme indiqué précédemment par Bitnation, le populaire dépositaire de crypto BitGo a déclaré qu'il acquerrait Prime Trust et a révélé qu'il avait signé une feuille de conditions with the parent company of the crypto infrastructure provider. However, the acquisition was terminated due to rumors of the firm’s bankruptcy.

Le PDG de BitGo, Mike Belshe, a confirmé que son entreprise avait d'autres acquisitions en attente qui seraient annoncées au cours des six prochains mois dans une interview avec CoinDesk.

Parthe Dubey
Parthe Dubey Auteur vérifié

Un journaliste crypto avec plus de 3 ans d'expérience dans DeFi, NFT, métaverse, etc. Parth a travaillé avec les principaux médias du monde de la crypto et de la finance et a acquis de l'expérience et de l'expertise dans la culture crypto après avoir survécu aux marchés baissiers et haussiers au fil des ans.

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