
Binance force l'entrée sur le marché japonais avec l'acquisition de Sakura Exchange BitCoin

  • L'échange de crypto Binance a acquis la société japonaise de crypto Sakura Exchange BitCoin (SEBC).
  • The leading exchange will re-enter Japanese market after four years “as a Japan Financial Services Agency (JFSA) regulated entity.”
  • After receiving a warning for operating without a license in 2018 from Japan’s Financial Services Agency (FSA), Binance withdrew from the region.

La world’s biggest crypto exchange, Binance, has confirmed its entry into the Japanese market after four years of closing its services in the country due to regulatory concerns. The leading crypto exchange has successfully completed the 100% acquisition of Sakura Exchange BitCoin, a Japanese crypto exchange service provider, following which it can now enter Japan “as a Japan Financial Services Agency (JFSA) regulated entity.”

Selon le annonce, the financial details of the deal with Sakura Exchange BitCoin (SEBC) remain undisclosed but the exchange said that “Binance aims to support a responsible global environment for cryptocurrencies” by offering Japanese-regulated services through SEBC. Interestingly, this is the first license that the leading exchange has received in East Asia.

“The Japanese market will play a key role in the future of cryptocurrency adoption. As one of the world’s leading economies with a highly-developed tech ecosystem, it’s already poised for strong blockchain uptake. We will actively work with regulators to develop our combined exchange in a compliant way for local users. We are eager to help Japan take a leading role in crypto,” said Takeshi Chino, general manager of Binance Japan.

De plus, il est crucial de noter que SEBC est une société de cryptographie réglementée par la JFSA et offre à ses clients des services de consultation en plus de son service de courtage. Actuellement, la plate-forme compte plus de 11 paires de crypto trading pour ses utilisateurs, notamment BTC/JPY, ETH/JPY, BCH/JPY, XRP/JPY, LTC/JPY, ETC/JPY, XEM/JPY, MONA/JPY, ADA/JPY , XYM/JPY et COT/JPY, selon l'annonce.

Hitomi Yamamoto, CEO of SEBC, stated that the strong compliance system of the world’s biggest crypto exchange led by Changpeng Zhao, Binance, “will contribute to building a more compliant atmosphere for users in Japan and help them access key crypto services needed for mass adoption in the future.”

After receiving a warning for operating without a license in 2018 from Japan’s Financial Services Agency (FSA), Binance withdrew from the region. However, Japan has become slightly more lenient in its crypto policies recently.

Selon un rapport précédent, Binance a admis que l'échange est en entretiens avec les organismes de réglementation in the East Asian country but refused to disclose details. A spokesperson said that the exchange aims “to shape policies that protect consumers, encourage innovation, and move the crypto industry forward.”

Le Premier ministre du Japon, Fumio Kishida, a révélé que le pays allait promouvoir les services Web3 au Japon, y compris les projets traitant des NFT (tokens non fongibles) et du métaverse. En outre, le gouvernement délivrera des NFT aux autorités locales qui utilisent déjà la technologie pour résoudre les problèmes dans leurs régions. Le Premier ministre japonais Fumio a également évoqué la possibilité de numériser la carte d'identité nationale.

Parthe Dubey
Parthe Dubey Auteur vérifié

Un journaliste crypto avec plus de 3 ans d'expérience dans DeFi, NFT, métaverse, etc. Parth a travaillé avec les principaux médias du monde de la crypto et de la finance et a acquis de l'expérience et de l'expertise dans la culture crypto après avoir survécu aux marchés baissiers et haussiers au fil des ans.

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