Parlamentario canadiense pide a los ciudadanos que estudien Bitcoin
- Joel Lightbound admitió que posee Bitcoin e instó a la gente a estudiar y comprender el activo.
- Lightbound highlighted Bitcoin’s importance in serving the underbanked and those in oppressive regimes.
- Gary Gensler advirtió el martes a las empresas de cifrado que comenzaran a tratar a sus usuarios de conformidad con la ley de valores.
The crypto community marked the 15th anniversary of the release of the Bitcoin whitepaper on Tuesday, October 31st. Interestingly, Canadian Member of Parliament (MP) Joël Lightbound was full of praise for Bitcoin and its current role in the financial landscape. Lightbound thanked Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin’s anonymous creator, and encouraged people to learn more about the cryptocurrency.
Mientras hablaba en el parlamento, Lightbound reveló que él personalmente posee Bitcoin, pero que no alentará a otros a comprarlo. Las figuras políticas rara vez hablan abiertamente sobre sus decisiones financieras personales.
Sin embargo, Lightbound mostró transparencia al revelar que posee BTC. Sus comentarios enfatizan cómo las criptomonedas están ganando aceptación generalizada, especialmente en sectores que históricamente han sido conservadores.
Lightbound’s comments on Bitcoin were not focused on the asset’s potential as an investment tool. Rather, Lightbound stressed the importance of studying and understanding the asset. He explained that Bitcoin emerged during the world financial crisis, presenting itself as a symbol of resiliency and optimism. However, it has evolved over time from a simple idea on white paper to a formidable tool that helps the underbanked and offers financial safety to anyone caught up in repressive political situations.
Dijo en su discurso:
Bitcoin ha ayudado a miles de familias a evitar la tragedia de la degradación de la moneda. Representa el ideal verdaderamente progresista. Así que hoy, permítanme agradecer a Satoshi Nakamoto, quienquiera que sea, y desearle un feliz 15º aniversario al libro blanco de Bitcoin.
Lightbound también citó dos citas notables de Jack Dorsey, ex director ejecutivo de Twitter y entusiasta de las criptomonedas, y del presidente de la SEC, Gary Gensler. Gensler tiene convertirse an anti-crypto advocate over the last few years. However, Lightbound cited his old remarks from 2019 before Gensler became the SEC’s chair.
At the time, Gensler wrote that Bitcoin has the potential to bring about change “either directly or indirectly as a catalyst.“ He also noted that “the potential to lower verification and networking costs is worth pursuing, particularly to lower economic rents and data privacy costs and promote economic inclusion.“
Interestingly, Gensler wished Bitcoin’s white paper a happy 15th anniversary in a correo on X. The SEC chair wrote, “Happy 15th anniversary to Satoshi’s famous white paper that started crypto.”
Gensler also seized the moment to warn crypto firms that are “tricking investors should start treating them to compliance with the securities laws.”