Kryptobörse Deribit erleidet $28 Millionen Hack
- Ein Deribit-Vertreter behauptete, dies sei das erste Mal, dass die Börse von einem Hack betroffen sei.
- Die Optionsbörse plant, eine vollständige Untersuchung des Hacks durchzuführen, um gefährdete Bereiche zu entdecken.
- Krypto-Unternehmen sind seit Oktober zunehmenden Bedrohungen durch Hacker ausgesetzt.
Panama-based crypto futures and options exchange, Deribit, is the latest to suffer a hack in what has been a turbulent few weeks for the industry. The platform is said to have halted withdrawals after hackers made off with $28 million from the platform’s hot wallet.
Some crypto exchanges prefer hot wallets since they help with instant withdrawals. However, these kinds of wallets are prone to exploitation and hacking. In a Twitter post announcing the hack, Deribit noted that its clients’ funds were safe and covered by the reserve.
Nach An die Firma,
Client assets, Fireblocks or any of the cold storage addresses are not affected. It’s company procedure to keep 99% of our user funds in cold storage to limit the impact of these type of events.
Deribit had to restrict withdrawals as a preventive measure and part of security checks. The exchange will resume withdrawal once it is confident of its security. Deribit explained that deposits that have already been sent would be processed and credited to accounts once the necessary confirmation has been received.
Deribit wrote that the “hack is isolated to their BTC, ETH, and USDC hot wallets.” The hacker reportedly gained 691 BTC and 9,111.59 ETH from the hack and quickly converted the stolen USDC to Ethereum. According to reports, the stolen funds are being held in two wallets and have not been sent to any mixing or laundering service.
Deribit teilte auch einen Beitrag, um seinen Nutzern seine finanzielle Stabilität zu versichern, und fügte hinzu, dass seine Reserven alle Verluste decken würden, ohne seine Versicherungsfonds zu beeinträchtigen. Es schrieb
Die Versicherungskasse wird nicht belastet, der Schaden wird aus den betrieblichen Rücklagen bezahlt. Deribit befindet sich weiterhin in einer finanziell soliden Position und der laufende Betrieb wird nicht beeinträchtigt.
A spokesperson for the exchange told Cointelegraph that the platform was looking at getting back to business as soon as possible and was reviewing its security. The spokesperson added that Deribit would conduct a full investigation into the hack to find areas of vulnerability. The company’s representative claimed this would be the first time it had suffered a hack and loss since its debut in 2016.
Kryptoprojekte haben seit Jahresbeginn eine erhöhte Anzahl von Hacks erlitten, wobei der Oktober als der schlimmste von allen bezeichnet wurde. Die Benutzer sind um die Sicherheit ihrer Gelder besorgt und haben verbesserte Sicherheitsmaßnahmen an den Börsen gefordert.