Der CEO von Binance, Changpeng Zhao, erwähnte zum ersten Mal, dass seine Firma Tochtergesellschaften hat, die Liquidität für weniger liquide Paare bereitstellen.

Binance bietet mit neuer Lizenz Dienste in Dubai an

  • Binance hat kürzlich seinen Lizenzantrag in Deutschland zurückgezogen.
  • Binance sagte, es plane eine Expansion nach Japan.
  • Dubai users will be required to provide identity documents to access Binance’s services.

Kryptobörse Binance angekündigt on Monday that it has received an Operational Minimum Viable Product license to provide virtual asset exchange services in Dubai. The new license is another milestone in Binance’s bid to strengthen its influence in the Middle East.

The license will enable the crypto exchange’s Dubai subsidiary, Binance FZE, to provide services to institutional and qualified retail customers in Dubai. Some of the services available to eligible investors include crypto-to-fiat exchanges and conversions, payment and remittance services, brokerage services, transfer, and custody.

Binance noted that an investor must be a “qualified retail client” in Dubai to access its services. In addition, users must be at least 21 years old and provide proof that they own net liquid assets of up to 500,000 United Arab Emirates dirhams ($136,000). Dubai users will also be required to provide proper identification documents such as passports, valid addresses, visas, and contact information.

Binance has come a long way in its bid to fully operate in Dubai. Last year, the crypto exchange received a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) license from Dubai’s Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA). The MVP license allowed Binance to open a domestic bank account to hold users’ funds and provide both crypto exchange and custody services.

Binance wies in seinem Blogbeitrag darauf hin

Der Übergang von der im Jahr 2022 gewährten vorläufigen Lizenz zu einer operativen MVP-Lizenz bedeutet, dass berechtigte Benutzer in Dubai nun auf autorisierte Dienste zugreifen können, einschließlich der Möglichkeit, virtuelle Vermögenswerte sicher in Fiat gemäß den von VARA festgelegten Standards umzuwandeln, die dem zwischenstaatlichen Finanzministerium entsprechen Aktions-Task Force.

Binance has now completed three of Dubai’s four licensing stages. The crypto exchange will receive the Full Market Product (FMP) once it displays compliance with local rules.

Today’s news will come as a delight for Binance followers since the exchange has suffered several setbacks in recent weeks. Binance has withdrawn its license application in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, and Belgium. However, the crypto exchange recently angekündigt plant eine Expansion nach Japan.

Lawrence Woriji
Lawrence Woriji Verifizierter Autor

Ich habe in meiner Karriere als Journalist einige spannende Geschichten berichtet und finde blockchainbezogene Geschichten sehr faszinierend. Ich glaube, dass Web3 die Welt verändern wird und möchte, dass alle daran teilhaben.

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