Новый законопроект о Южной Дакоте рассматривается как угроза биткойнам
- Несколько крипто-лидеров назвали новый законопроект угрозой для Биткойна.
- В случае принятия законопроект вступит в силу с 1 июля., 2024.
Crypto users in the United States believe bitcoin, the foremost cryptocurrency, is facing a huge threat in the US, and their fears were worsened by a bill proposed in South Dakota. The new bill seeks to amend the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and restrict cryptocurrencies from being defined as “money.” However, the proposed bill provides a secure pathway for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and classifies them as money.
The proposal, which was introduced by Republican lawmaker Mike Stevens, defines money as “a medium of exchange that is currently authorized or adopted by a domestic or foreign government.” The 117-page amendment paper further explains money as a term that includes “a monetary unit of account established by an intergovernmental organization or by agreement between two or more countries.”
Согласно законопроект,
Этот термин не включает электронную запись, которая является средством обмена, зарегистрированным и передаваемым в системе, которая существовала и функционировала для средства обмена до того, как средство обмена было разрешено или принято правительством.
The proposed bill was heavily criticized by crypto users and experts alike. Commenting on the bill, Dennis Porter, CEO and co-founder of Satoshi Act Fund, wrote that the bill “would ensure that only governments can create ‘money’ which on its face would exclude all digital assets.”
Интерпретируя предлагаемый закон, Портер объяснил, что попытки обеспечить соблюдение этой политики предпринимаются в 21 различных странах. состояния in the US. He further wrote that “there is seemingly a goal to build a bull work of pro-CBDC states that also exclude digital assets like Bitcoin from the definition of money.”
Yaël Ossowski, Deputy Director of the Consumer Choice Center (CCC), said South Dakota’s push would have “minimal teeth, but it’s still a threat to BTC.” Also, Andy Roth, President of the State Freedom Caucus Network, tweeted that the bill was a huge deal that “must be stopped.”
Законопроект появился в то время, когда несколько регулирующих органов США готовятся регулировать криптоиндустрию.