Greenidge заключает сделку по реструктуризации $74M с NYDIG
- Greenidge заключил сделку с кредитором NYDIG, согласно которому последний сократит долг примерно с $57 млн до $68 млн.
- The Bitcoin miner “may transfer certain credits, coupons and additional assets to NYDIG, including mining infrastructure.”
- NYDIG купит майнеры мощностью примерно 2,8 EH/s, а Greenidge заключит соглашение о хостинге.
- Совет директоров компании, занимающейся майнингом криптовалют, также ведет переговоры о банкротстве.
Несколько организаций в криптопространстве недавно рухнули, а существующие заняты поиском способов сохранить свои операции; некоторые даже заключили сделки со своими кредиторами. Один из них популярен Биткойн (БТД) горнодобывающая компания Greenidge, которая подтвердила подписание соглашения о реструктуризации с New York Digital Investment Group, ведущей бизнес как NYDIG. Сделка стоит колоссальные $74 миллиона, и NYDIG является основным кредитором майнера.
Согласно регистрация with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Greenidge has reached an agreement with its creditor NYDIG, and if the deal has been approved, we might see the bitcoin miner restructured into a hosting firm for Bitcoin mining rigs so that it is able to continue its operations. This confirms that the crypto mining industry has also been severely affected by the collapse of the world’s largest crypto coin.
As per a press release, a “non-binding term sheet” worth $74 million in debt have been signed by Greenidge and NYDIG, which would allow the latter to покупка майнеров with approximately 2.8 EH/s of mining capacity, and the miner “would enter into a hosting agreement with NYDIG for approximately 2.8 EH/s of mining capacity,” resulting in “a material change” to it’s current business strategy.
“Greenidge may transfer certain credits, coupons and additional assets to NYDIG, including mining infrastructure awaiting deployment at potential mining sites, contingent upon Greenidge facilitating for NYDIG rights to a mining site within three months following the completion of debt restructuring and hosting agreements,” stated the release.
It is crucial to note that in exchange for the purchased mining rigs and transfer of mining infrastructure and credits, NYDIG will reduce approximately $57 to $68 million of debt. Moreover, the fintech firm will “retain ownership of miners with a capacity of 1.2 EH/s” while the BTC miner will be “pledging substantially all of its unencumbered assets to NYDIG to secure the remaining balance of the loan.”
Обновление ликвидности Greenidge
As per the release, the current situation of Greenidge’s financial condition is uncertain, and there is also “substantial doubt about its ability to continue.” The firm revealed that its cash burn rate was $8 million in the past two months of which $5.5 million went to its creditor, NYDIG. The firm expects a similar cash burn rate in the coming days of December as well.
Биткойн-майнер подтвердил, что совет директоров фирмы ведет переговоры о банкротстве в случаях, когда: (1) потенциальные источники ликвидности исчерпаны; (2) он не выполняет свои обязательства по любому из своих существенных контрактов; и (3) имеющийся капитал не позволяет ему выполнять свои обязательства по мере их наступления.
“The Company [Greenidge] continues to actively explore raising additional equity capital and to engage in discussions with its lenders. The Company is considering various alternatives in connection with its wholly owned subsidiary, Support.com, including the disposition of assets and other transactions,” stated the release.