
Visa faz parceria com Crypto.Com para estrear nova coleção de NFT

  • A Visa firmou parceria com Crypto.Com exchange para estrear uma nova coleção NFT que estará em leilão a partir de hoje (12:00 GMT) até 8 de novembro (9:00 GMT).
  • Winners will get their NFTs transferred to their digital wallets in the Crypto.Com and they will also receive “high-quality printable art file and signed memorabilia from the legendary player featured in the NFT.”
  • A arte digital retrata os gols de jogadores de futebol lendários: Jared Borgetti, Tim Cahill, Carli Lloyd, Michael Owen e Maxi Rodriguez e foram criados pelo premiado XK Studios.

A Visa, um dos maiores provedores de serviços financeiros e rede de pagamentos, confirmou sua parceria com a principal plataforma de troca de criptomoedas Crypto.Com and the two will debut an non-fungible token (NFT) collection called “Visa Masters of Movement” which will be focused on driving engagement between football fans in the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022.

Conforme um Comunicado de imprensa from the payments company, the “digital art will be emailed as a souvenir, and eligible fans can also choose to receive the digital art minted as a one-of-a-kind NFT.” Moreover, the collection will feature a pre-event NFT auction and immersive activation for fans at the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, along with digital art inspired by iconic goals from five legendary footballers that have been minted into unique NFTs.

The NFTs are now available for purchase at the Crypto.Com exchange and the entire experience under the Visa Masters of Movement will come to life with the FIFA Fan Festival in Doha, Qatar later this year wherein fans will be able to “to create digital art inspired by their own signature movements,” a step designed to drive engagement.

“As FIFA World Cup 2022™ approaches, we want to celebrate football, art and technology through the lens of what makes the FIFA World Cup™ so special – wildly impassioned fans, legendary athletes and for a few short weeks, the ability to bring the world together in a uniquely connected way,” said Andrea Fairchild, senior vice president and head of sponsorships, Visa.

According to the press release, starting today (12:00pm GMT) through November 8 (9:00pm GMT), football fans all around the globe can bid for the Visa Masters of Movement NFT collection which includes five unique works of digital art inspired by iconic FIFA World Cup and FIFA Women’s World Cup, two of the biggest events in the sports industry. Moreover, the art depicts the goals from legendary footballers: Jared Borgetti, Tim Cahill, Carli Lloyd, Michael Owen and Maxi Rodriguez.

As metas serão cunhadas em uma coleção NFT e estarão disponíveis para leilão através da exchange Crypto.Com. Além disso, os gols icônicos foram transformados em arte por algoritmo apresentado pelo premiado XK Studios.

As per the announcement from Visa, the winners of the bid will get their non-fungbile tokens transferred to their digital wallets in the Crypto.Com exchange and they will also receive “high-quality printable art file and signed memorabilia from the legendary player featured in the NFT.”

Também foi confirmado que todos os lucros do leilão serão doados para a Street Child United, uma organização de caridade incorporada e operando no Reino Unido, focada em ajudar as crianças nas ruas em escala global.

“The FIFA World Cup™ is one of the most anticipated sporting events in the world, and we are incredibly excited to give fans a new way to engage with this epic event,” said Steven Kalifowitz, Chief Marketing Officer at “We are thrilled to partner with Visa in bringing Visa Masters of Movement to life and offering fans the opportunity to create and collect the most unique collectibles at FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ that will live forever on the blockchain.”

Parth Dubey
Parth Dubey Autor verificado

Jornalista cripto com mais de 3 anos de experiência em DeFi, NFT, metaverso, etc. Parth trabalhou com grandes meios de comunicação no mundo cripto e financeiro e ganhou experiência e conhecimento em cultura criptográfica depois de sobreviver a mercados de baixa e alta ao longo dos anos.

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