RFK JR planeja apoiar o dólar americano com Bitcoin
- Uma divulgação recente de investimento mostrou que Kennedy tem exposição ao Bitcoin, levando a temores sobre um possível conflito de interesses.
- Kennedy se tornou um dos primeiros candidatos presidenciais dos EUA a aceitar doações em Bitcoin.
- O homem de 69 anos prometeu isentar os ganhos do Bitcoin do imposto sobre o capital se for eleito presidente.
O candidato presidencial dos EUA, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., revelou uma série de planos focados no Bitcoin que ele implementaria se fosse eleito presidente. Enquanto Falando em um evento PAC Heal-the-Divide, o candidato democrata disse que estabilizaria o dólar americano apoiando-o com ativos como Bitcoin, ouro, prata e platina.
Kennedy explained that “backing dollars and U.S. debt obligations with hard assets could help restore strength to the dollar, rein in inflation, and usher in a new era of American financial stability, peace, and prosperity.”
Compartilhando sua visão de retornar os EUA a um padrão de moeda forte, Kennedy disse:
Meu plano seria começar bem, bem pequeno; talvez 1% de T-bills emitidos sejam lastreados em moeda forte, como ouro, prata, platina ou bitcoin.
O político de 69 anos também disse que aumentaria o valor alocado a cada ano com base nos resultados da tentativa inicial.
Kennedy also promised to “exempt the conversion of bitcoin to the U.S. dollar from capital gains taxes.” Kennedy believes that the proposed exemption would encourage investment and motivate companies to expand their operations in the United States rather than in other crypto-friendly countries like Singapore or Switzerland.
Ele disse,
Os benefícios incluem facilitar a inovação e estimular o investimento, garantir a privacidade do cidadão e incentivar empreendimentos a expandir seus negócios e empregos em tecnologia nos Estados Unidos, em vez de Cingapura, Suíça, Alemanha e Portugal. Eventos não tributáveis não podem ser reportados, e isso significa que será mais difícil para os governos usar dinheiro como arma contra a liberdade de expressão, que, como muitos de vocês sabem, é um dos meus principais objetivos.
The environmental lawyer also reaffirmed some of the promises he made during his address at the Bitcoin 2023 conference in May, including “defending the right of self-custody of bitcoin,” preserving “the right to run a node at home,” and supporting “industry-neutral regulation of energy.”
Kennedy’s crypto ambitions will no doubt face several hurdles. For example, Bitcoin is liable to capital gains tax since the Internal Revenue Service views it as property and an investment rather than a currency. Additionally, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been agressivamente cracking down on crypto companies. However, following last week’s verdict in Ripple’s favor, the crypto industry is watching to see how the regulator will respond or if it will adjust its approaches.
Kennedy’s commitment to Bitcoin might provide a glimmer of hope to crypto faithfuls. Although the poll suggests that the 69-year-old has a long way to go in his bid for the White House, his recent remarks would no doubt add to his popularity.
Kennedy has often stated that “bitcoin is not a security and should not be regulated as one.” While speaking today, he reaffirmed his bid to “put an end to the current policies of the Biden administration that are invited by Choke Point 2.0 to punish banks that are dealing with bitcoin.”
Kennedy’s unwavering belief in Bitcoin heralds an eventual political change in perspective in which Bitcoin attains a status beyond an asset and becomes a tool that could rescue the US economy.
Interestingly, Kennedy isn’t the only pro-crypto candidate running for office. Others include Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy.