Empregados da Houses of Terra invadidos, autoridades coreanas apreendem $160M
- A Procuradoria do Distrito Sul de Seul invadiu as casas de 8 pessoas ligadas ao colapso do Terra, incluindo Daniel Shin.
- South Korean authorities have taken control of the houses of the employees of Kwon’s company and seized around 210 billion won, or $160 million.
- Os $160 milhões confiscados das casas de cerca de oito funcionários da Terra envolvem principalmente imóveis.
- Os promotores assumiram o controle das propriedades do ex-vice-presidente da Terra, Kim Mo, e de um executivo não identificado, no valor de aproximadamente $60 milhões e $31 milhões, respectivamente.
The collapse of stablecoin Terra USD, now USTC, wiped off around $60 billion from the crypto market capitalization, and many investors lost their entire life’s savings. Interestingly, the founder of Terraform Labs, the company responsible for the entire fiasco, Do Kwon, has been apprehended and is awaiting extradition to the United States. Meanwhile, South Korean authorities have taken control of the houses of the employees of Kwon’s company and seized around $160 million.
De acordo com relatórios from local media outlets, the Seoul Southern District Prosecutor’s Office raided the houses of eight people that were connected to the collapse of the Terra ecosystem, including co-founder Shin Hyun-Seong, also known as Daniel Shin. An April 3 report from South Korean news outlet KBS confirms that authorities seized roughly 210 billion won, or $160 million.
É importante mencionar aqui que Shin também tem várias acusações de fraude especificamente associadas à ocultação dos riscos associados ao investimento e negociação de tokens internos do ecossistema Terra. Uma tentativa de emitir um mandado de prisão para o cofundador pelos promotores sul-coreanos resultou em fracasso. O Tribunal Distrital Sul de Seul negou o pedido, citando alegações não confirmadas e a improbabilidade de Shin ser um risco de fuga ou destruir evidências.
Por outro lado, os $160 milhões confiscados das casas de cerca de oito funcionários da Terra envolvem principalmente imóveis, e é crucial notar que os promotores do caso assumiram o controle das casas e propriedades do ex-vice-presidente da Terra, Kim Mo e um executivo não identificado no valor de aproximadamente $60 milhões e $31 milhões, respectivamente.
“We are still investigating the property ownership status of the suspects, and we plan to carry out collection preservation for the confirmed property in the future in order to recover the proceeds of crime and recover damages,” said a spokesperson for the prosecution team.
It is crucial to note that the prosecutors’ actions were part of the plan to prevent the Terra employees from parting with their assets in an attempt to ensure their safety from the potential criminal proceedings. A similar procedure was followed by the authorities in November when they seized Shin’s house in Seoul, and they are still investigating if the co-founder has other properties in his name as well.
The report did not mention the seizure of any crypto assets, and an important fact is that the authorities haven’t issued a warrant in the name of Shin. Meanwhile, Korean authorities want Kwon extradited to the country.
Conforme relatado anteriormente pela Bitnation, Do Kwon está sendo processado pelo uso de passaportes falsificados da Costa Rica para entrar em Montenegro, and if found guilty, he faces up to five years in prison. Interestingly, according to prosecutor Haris Šabotić, the investigation will be complete before April 23, and if enough evidence cannot be found, Kwon will be relieved of charges.
Tanto os EUA quanto a Coreia do Sul exigiram a extradição de Kwon, e cabe a um juiz montenegrino decidir para onde enviar o fundador do ecossistema Terra.