Funcionários da Coinbase mais uma vez sofrem demissões
- A Coinbase mais uma vez reduziu sua força de trabalho em 20% e 950 funcionários foram demitidos.
- A bolsa reduzirá suas despesas em 25% e fechará todos os seus projetos com baixa probabilidade de sucesso.
- CEO Brian Armstrong confirmed that his exchange is “well capitalized, and crypto isn’t going anywhere.”
- Todos os funcionários dos EUA receberão um mínimo de 14 semanas de salário base (2 semanas adicionais por ano trabalhado), seguro saúde, etc.
Crypto businesses had taken a heavy beating in 2022 and it seems that a new year hasn’t changed much as there are already rumors of some crypto exchanges facing financial troubles. As investors enter the second week of 2023, the largest crypto exchange in the US, Coinbase, let go of a significant number of employees owing to the worsening crypto climate and declining trading volumes.
De acordo com um anúncio pela Coinbase em 10 de janeiro, o CEO Brian Armstrong confirmou que sua empresa está demitindo 20% de seus funcionários. Curiosamente, a bolsa dispensou uma porcentagem semelhante de sua força de trabalho em 2022, depois de sofrer perdas significativas em seus negócios devido a um declínio no interesse geral no espaço criptográfico após o mercado altista de 2021.
Armstrong noted that in 2022, “the crypto market trended downwards along with the broader macroeconomy,” and as a result, Coinbase “also saw the fallout from unscrupulous actors in the industry, and there could still be further contagion.” The executive also confirmed that his exchange is “well capitalized, and crypto isn’t going anywhere.”
“I believe recent events will ultimately end up benefiting Coinbase greatly (a large competitor failing, emerging regulatory clarity, etc.), and they validate our long term strategy. But it will take time for these changes to come to fruition and we need to make sure we have the appropriate operational efficiency to weather downturns in the crypto market, and capture opportunities that may emerge,” Armstrong said.
The CEO of Coinbase confirmed that it is letting go of 950 people and is also reducing its operating cost by around 25% due to the presence of bears in the crypto space and the fall in price of Bitcoin (BTC), the world’s biggest crypto coin. Armstrong noted that “while some of the factors that have brought us to this point are beyond our control, accountability rests with me as the CEO.”
Additionally, the Coinbase executive revealed that his exchange has gone through several crypto bear markets in its decade-long existence but noted that “this is the first time we’ve seen a crypto cycle coincide with a broader economic downturn.”
“We also reduced headcount last year as the market started to correct, and in hindsight, we could have cut further at that time,” said Armstrong.
A bolsa também está encerrando vários projetos criptográficos com menor probabilidade de sucesso. A empresa listada na Nasdaq afirmou que revelará mais detalhes financeiros em sua teleconferência de resultados em fevereiro. A Coinbase confirmou que os funcionários dispensados receberão um pacote abrangente e aqueles que trabalharam nos EUA receberão um mínimo de 14 semanas de salário base (2 semanas adicionais por ano trabalhado), seguro saúde e outros benefícios.
Armstrong também deu um tiro no colapso do FTX and stated that “dark times also weed out bad companies, as we’re seeing right now.” Interestingly, the exchange has recently parceria com o Google e também foi sinal verde para operar em Cingapura.