Elon Musk verzoekt rechter om $258B Dogecoin-rechtszaak af te wijzen
- De advocaten die Elon Musk vertegenwoordigen, hebben een rechter gevraagd om de rechtszaak van $258 miljard die door investeerders in Dogecoin (DOGE) tegen de CEO van Tesla is aangespannen, af te wijzen.
- The lawyers said that the lawsuit was a “fanciful work of fiction” in Manhattan’s federal court on March 31.
- They said that Twitter posts such as “Dogecoin Rulz” and “no highs, no lows, only Doge” were “too vague” to be considered in a fraud case.
- In order to convince the judge to “throw out” the lawsuit, Elon Musk’s lawyers called his statements “innocuous and often silly tweets.”
Elon Musk, the CEO and founder of Tesla and SpaceX, promoted Dogecoin (DOGE), the world’s largest meme coin by market capitalization, which he repeated in the bull run of the 2020–2021 crypto market and went as far as to accept payments in the token as well. With an all-time high of $0.7, the meme coin made many investors millions, but following the onset of the 2022 bearish run of the crypto market, significant losses piled up on holders.
Als gevolg hiervan heeft Elon Musk een rechter gevraagd om de rechtszaak af te wijzen die is aangespannen tegen de Tesla-manager, die beweert dat hij een piramidespel heeft uitgevoerd om Dogecoin te promoten, wat bijna 90% lager is dan het hoogste punt aller tijden. Een rapport van Reuters op 1 april bevestigd that the lawyers representing the new owner of social media platform Twitter claimed that the lawsuit was a “fanciful work of fiction” in Manhattan’s federal court on March 31.
The lawyers claim that statements posted on Twitter by Elon Musk like “Dogecoin Rulz” and “no highs, no lows, only Doge” were “too vague” to be considered grounds for a fraud case.
“There is nothing unlawful about tweeting words of support for, or funny pictures about, a legitimate cryptocurrency that continues to hold a market cap of nearly $10 billion.”
In order to convince the judge to “throw out” the lawsuit, Elon Musk’s lawyers called his statements “innocuous and often silly tweets.” It is important to mention here that the lawsuit, worth $258 billion, claims that the Tesla executive “used his pedestal as the world’s richest man to operate and manipulate the Dogecoin pyramid scheme.” The lawsuit accused the SpaceX CEO of pushing Dogecoin’s price by “more than 36,000% over two years and then letting it crash.”
The lawsuit also emphasized the presence of Elon Musk on Saturday Night Live as “a fictitious financial expert” and his emphasis on the Dogecoin token. He called Dogecoin “a hustle” as a reference point in the lawsuit.
Interestingly, Elon Musk has not given up on his cryptocurrency and continues his attempts to promote the meme token. Recently, the businessman revealed that he is working with “Doge developers to improve system efficiency” and that it could be “potentially promising.” He also told his followers that Tesla holds Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Dogecoin while adding that he would not sell his personal stash of crypto coins in the bear market either.
Zoals eerder gemeld door Bitnation, is Elon Musk geïnteresseerd in overname van de ingestorte bankinstelling Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and will attempt to digitize it if he successfully purchases it. Also, people with knowledge of the matter said that he would turn Twitter into a “super app” with the integratie van een betalingssysteem die in eerste instantie alleen fiat-valuta's ondersteunt, maar ook cryptomunten gaat ondersteunen.
Het is cruciaal om op te merken dat Twitter in 2022 aan een crypto-portemonnee werkte, maar het idee werd laten vallen nadat meer dan 70% van het personeel was ontslagen.