Sam Bankman-Fried témoignera au procès pénal en cours
- Sam Bankman-Fried témoignera dans le cadre de sa défense et sera contre-interrogé par les procureurs.
- Le procès Bankman-Fried a été suspendu le 19 octobre et devrait reprendre le 26 octobre.
- S’il est reconnu coupable, SBF pourrait encourir plusieurs décennies, voire toute une vie, derrière les barreaux.
Attorneys representing former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) have confirmed that he will testify in the ongoing criminal trial as part of his defense. SBF’s lawyer revealed this during a conference call on Wednesday. Bankman-Fried’s decision to stand trial will allow federal prosecutors to cross-examine him about the collapse of FTX.
Bankman-Fried’s lawyers reportedly agreed to allow him to take the stand after they were able to secure an adequate quantity of his ADHD medicine. His lawyers had previously claimed that the 31-year-old could not effectively participate in his defense given that he did not have appropriate access to the medication.
SBF’s legal team plans to call on three key witnesses to take the stand after the prosecutors conclude their case on Thursday morning. Prosecutors reportedly have one more witness, an FBI agent.
Bankman-Fried’s defense lawyer Mark Cohen claims the defense will likely question the three possible witnesses—a Bahamas-based lawyer, Joseph Pimbley of the litigation consulting firm PF2 Securities, and a witness who would testify regarding the roles and responsibilities of former FTX employees—in no more than three days.
Bankman-Fried’s proposed move to take the stand is often seen as a dangerous move. Federal prosecutors will have the opportunity to cross-examine the FTX founder, which many believe leaves him vulnerable and decreases his chances of coming out unscathed.
On the other hand, the former FTX executive and crypto billionaire will be able to share his version of events leading up to the collapse. Several of Bankman-Fried’s senior executives and friends, such as Nishad Singh and Caroline Ellison, CEO of Alameda Research, have been called to testify by the prosecution thus far.
Les procureurs ont inculpé Sam Bankman-Fried de plusieurs chefs d'accusation de fraude et de blanchiment d'argent en raison de son rôle présumé dans l'effondrement de FTX. Les procureurs affirment que SBF a volé des milliards d'actifs de clients et a utilisé ces fonds pour financer des accords de sponsoring de grande envergure, investir dans l'immobilier et apporter d'importantes contributions politiques. En outre, les procureurs ont fourni plusieurs éléments de preuve pour étayer leurs affirmations, notamment des dossiers internes et des signaux de communication.
Bankman-Fried a plaidé non coupable pour sept chefs d'accusation de complot, de fraude et de blanchiment d'argent. L’ancien homme d’affaires de crypto pourrait risquer la vie derrière les barreaux s’il est reconnu coupable. Certains passionnés de cryptographie se demandent quelles preuves Bankman-Fried pourrait offrir au jury pour réfuter la version des événements fournie par d'autres témoins.
SBF a une histoire de sonorisation his opinions on social media, particularly following the demise of FTX. The 31-year-old conducted interviews with reporters, launched a Substack newsletter, and sent out several tweets attempting to explain FTX’s collapse.
Son équipe de défense a un travail énorme pour convaincre le jury contre des faits accablants.