Taiwán prohíbe la operación de divisas sin licencia
- Taiwán ha introducido varias políticas para proteger a los usuarios de criptomonedas de los riesgos asociados con la inversión en criptomonedas.
- Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) banned foreign crypto exchanges from operating in the nation without a license.
- Según se informa, Binance solicitó una licencia en Taiwán en virtud de la Ley de Control de Lavado de Dinero y la FSC.
Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) has desvelado un nuevo conjunto de políticas estrictas que prohíben las criptomonedas extranjeras no registradas intercambios from operating there. The regulator said the measures were part of the country’s commitment to improve investor protection and encourage responsible conduct in the cryptocurrency sector.
The FCS’s new guidelines are primarily directed at Taiwan-based virtual asset service providers (VASPs). The regulations define mechanisms for listing and delisting cryptocurrency assets, as well as standard processes such as separating the exchange’s treasury assets from client assets.
The FSC also warned foreign crypto exchanges not to operate in Taiwan without the necessary license. The regulator stated that “overseas virtual asset platform operators are not allowed to provide business within the territory of the country […] unless they have been registered in accordance with the law.”
The regulator also encouraged VASPs to support self-regulation in the cryptocurrency sector, as appropriate VASP organizations are expected to develop self-regulatory standards based on the guidelines’ content.
The FSC added that “platforms should implement customer protection regulations based on the principles of fairness and reasonableness, equality, reciprocity, and good faith.”
In addition, Taiwanese lawmakers recently proposed a revision to the law to establish a specific bureau within the FSC for crypto-related matters. If approved, this plan would bring the crypto industry to the FCS’s jurisdiction alongside insurance, banking, auditing, and securities.
Taiwán ahora se une a la creciente lista de países que implementan políticas más estrictas para la industria de la criptografía. Taiwán afirma que planea proteger a los operadores e inversores de criptomonedas modelando sus políticas a partir de las adoptadas por la Unión Europea, Japón y Corea del Sur.