Intercambio de criptomonedas indio WazirX despide empleados de 40%: Informe
- WazirX, es la última en unirse a la lista de empresas que sufren el mercado criptográfico en curso, al anunciar un despido 40% de sus empleados y agregar que recibirían su salario durante los próximos 45 días.
- Ha despedido a varios empleados de su equipo de 150 miembros, en particular de 50 a 70 según tres fuentes cercanas al asunto.
- Según las declaraciones de una de las fuentes, WazirX ha recortado empleados de una variedad de departamentos, incluidos recursos humanos, atención al cliente, entre otros.
La plataforma de intercambio de criptomonedas líder en India, WazirX, es la última en unirse a la lista de empresas que sufren el mercado de criptomonedas en curso, al anunciar un despido 40% de sus empleados.
According to a recently shared statement by the exchange, it has laid off several employees from its 150-membered team, notably 50 to as many as 70 in count. Three sources close to the matter told CoinDesk that the laid off employees were informed on Friday that they would receive their salary for the next 45 days. However, the company has reportedly revoked the laid off employees’ access as their services would not be required effective immediately.
WazirX said in a statement on Saturday that the crypto market is currently in its winter season because of the “current global economic slowdown.”
“The Indian crypto industry has had its unique problems with respect to taxes, regulations, and banking access. This has led to a dramatic fall in volumes in all Indian crypto exchanges,”
Agregó además.
Según las declaraciones de una de las fuentes, WazirX ha recortado empleados de una variedad de departamentos, incluidos recursos humanos, atención al cliente, entre otros. Además, analistas, gerentes y gerentes asociados, son algunos de los puestos que se están despidiendo.
Interestingly, an employee who “abruptly” lost their job reported that Nischal Shetty’s company has fired the entire public policy and communication team.
De acuerdo a Coindesk, the exchange claims to prioritize financial stability and quality services to its customers and to achieve the same, it took this difficult decision of reducing its staff to “weather the crypto winter.”
En particular, durante el último mercado bajista de criptografía en 2018, el gigante de intercambio indio se duplicó y construyó su innovador motor peer-to-peer (P2P).
La declaración dice:
“The crypto industry operates in cycles, and the bear market is inevitably followed by a spectacular bull market. We will continue to focus on our customers’ needs and continue to build. We are confident that we will come out stronger when the bull market arrives.”
Escrutinio regulatorio
It is important to note that the reported layoff decision comes soon after the company received severe scrutiny from the India’s Enforcement Directorate for alleged money laundering activities. The regulator searched the premises of the WazirX’s director, and following the exercises, confiscated the sum of $8.13 million belonging to the exchange.
Posteriormente, en septiembre, las autoridades descongelaron sus cuentas bancarias como resultado de su cooperación activa en la investigación de lavado de dinero en curso.
After India’s strict crypto tax rules went into effect in March 2022, WazirX Co-Founder Nischal Shetty stated that “we have entered a period of pain.” Daily trading volume on the exchange have been continuously dropping, clearly weakening operations within the company.