Cynthia Lummis pide que el Departamento de Justicia tome medidas contra Binance y Tether
- Cynthia Lummis y French Hill pidieron a los funcionarios del Departamento de Justicia que tomaran medidas contra Binance y Tether.
- Los representantes estadounidenses afirman que Hamás utiliza Binance para recaudar fondos.
- También afirman que Tether no ha cumplido con las políticas de sanciones y la Ley de Secreto Bancario.
- Elliptic said that Hamas’ crypto usage is “very tiny” and US lawmakers are manipulating facts.
Cynthia Lummis, an American attorney and politician who is currently the junior United States senator from Wyoming, along with businessman and politician French Hill, who is currently serving as the representative for Arkansas’s 2nd congressional district, have called for a Department of Justice (DoJ) action against the world’s largest crypto exchange Binance and the issuer of the stablecoin USDT, Tether.
en un carta dated October 26 and sent to United States Attorney General Merrick Garland, Cynthia Lummis and French Hill asked the Justice Department officials to “reach a charging decision on Binance” and “expeditiously conclude” investigations of allegedly illicit activities involving Tether. The two companies form the core of the digital asset community, as Binance has the highest trading volume while Tether issues the largest stablecoin by market capitalization.
Cynthia Lummis and Hill noted that “crypto assets and distributed ledger technology have the potential to drive responsible innovation in US financial markets” and added that “we must be careful not to paint all crypto asset intermediaries as suspects when a small handful of bad actors use them for nefarious purposes.”
Los representantes afirmaron en la carta que Hamás está utilizando Binance para financiar su agenda terrorista. Lummis y Hill señalaron artículos anteriores del Financial Times y el Wall Street Journal, afirmando que las autoridades israelíes están cerrando cuentas en Binance relacionadas con la financiación de Hamás.
Interestingly, Elliptic, a blockchain analysis provider, has pointed out that the usage of cryptocurrency by Hamas is “very tiny,” and the WSJ reports along with the US representatives are manipulating facts to make crypto look bad.
According to Lummis, Tether is “knowingly facilitating violations of applicable sanctions laws and the Bank Secrecy Act by failing to conduct adequate customer due diligence and screenings despite being aware that its product is used to facilitate terrorism and other illicit activities.”
“We urge the Department of Justice to carefully evaluate the extent to which Binance and Tether are providing material support and resources to support terrorism through violations of applicable sanctions laws and the Bank Secrecy Act,” said Lummis and Hill.
Cynthia Lummis and Hill said that they “strongly support swift action by the Department of Justice against Binance and Tether to choke off sources of funding to the terrorists currently targeting Israel.”
Como informó anteriormente Bitnation, Cynthia Lummis pidió a los legisladores que crear un marco regulatorio integral para la industria de activos digitales en julio.