Die FED möchte eine größere Rolle bei der Regulierung von Stablecoins spielen
- Jerome Powell glaubt, dass die FED eine große Rolle bei der Regulierung von Stablecoins spielen muss, da sie diese als eine Form des Geldes betrachtet.
- Der von den Republikanern unterstützte Gesetzesentwurf räumt den Staaten enorme Befugnisse zur Regulierung von Stablecoins ein.
Jerome Powell, chairman of the Federal Reserve, spoke in favor of strict central-bank supervision of stablecoin in the policies being developed by members of the House Financial Services Committee. Powell shared his thoughts while speaking at the House Financial Services Committee’s semi-annual Hören zur Fed-Politik am 21. Juni.
The proposed stablecoin bill originated from Republicans and would serve as the official piece of crypto regulation in the United States if approved next month. Rep. Maxine Waters, the committee’s top Democrat, in her questioning of Powell, warned that the Fed would be “severely hamstrung” by the new proposal and that there has to be a clear federal floor for regulation of nonbank stablecoin issuers.
Der von den Republikanern unterstützte Gesetzentwurf soll sicherstellen, dass Staaten eine wichtige Rolle bei der Überwachung von Stablecoins spielen. Dies ist seit Beginn der Verhandlungen im vergangenen Jahr ein Streitthema.
Waters warned that the bill would create “58 different licenses with federal regulatory approval over only two of the licenses.” The Democrat added that states, territories, and other jurisdictions will issue the remaining licenses.
Responding to Waters, Powell claimed that the FED sees “payment stablecoins as a form of money and argued that “in all advanced economies, the ultimate source of credibility in money is the central bank.” Powell called for the FED to play a huge role in regulating stablecoins. He added that “it would be appropriate to have quite a robust federal role.”
The 70-year-old Powell further claimed that “allowing a lot of private money creation at the state level would be a mistake.” Interestingly, Powell’s comment on the draft bill saw him take a stance opposed to that of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chair Gary Gensler. The controversial SEK Der Vorsitzende ist der Ansicht, dass alle Formen von Stablecoins registriert und reguliert werden sollten.
Powell, like most officials, believed the crypto market had suffered an irreparable loss last year following the decline of top organizations like FTX and Terra. However, the FED chair admitted today that the market “appears to have some staying power.”
Powell stellte auch klar, dass die Zentralbank im Gegensatz zu jüngsten Berichten noch weit von der Einrichtung eines CBDC entfernt sei. Er behauptete auch, dass die Zentralbank keine Pläne habe, Privatkundenkonten zu verwalten, falls die FED einen digitalen Dollar einführen würde.