Hester Peirce: Die USA können von Europas Regulierung lernen

  • Hester Peirce believes the US could learn from the UK and Europe’s push for crypto-friendly policies.
  • Peirce hat zuvor ihre Unterstützung für Kryptowährungen zum Ausdruck gebracht.

Hester Peirce, a commissioner at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), believes that Europe’s ground-breaking crypto regulation might serve as a model for the U.S. Peirce praised the quick pace with which the European Union organized its digital finance policy. The European Parliament approved Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) last month, establishing a thorough framework for cryptocurrency regulation across the 27-nation EU.

Beim Sprechen bei der Financial Times’s Krypto- und Digital-Assets-Gipfel in London on Wednesday, Peirce remarked that “MiCA can serve as a model for us,” adding that the United States could draw inspiration from the UK’s approach to becoming a cryptocurrency hub.

Peirce also voiced her support for a regulatory model “that allows for innovation.” She praised the UK’s approach, saying, “I think that’s something that we can learn from and draw from, but whether or not that will take a little longer for us, I don’t know.”

The US lawmaker noted that the US had the “advantage” of seeing how MiCA plays out. However, US regulators seem divided on a clear-cut policy for the crypto industry, and the approaches of the SEC and other agencies have received widespread criticism.

Politiker aus der EU haben Interesse bekundet, ihre Erfahrungen mit der Krypto-Regulierung mit US-Gesetzgebern zu teilen. Dies geschieht inmitten zunehmender Spannungen zwischen Kryptounternehmen und US-Aufsichtsbehörden. Die in den USA ansässige Krypto-Börse Coinbase kürzlich einen Antrag gestellt gegen die SEC und fordert Klarheit von der Aufsichtsbehörde.

Peirce believes Europe’s structured policies could lure more crypto companies into the region. She said, “If we built a good regulatory regime, people would come. I think you’ll see that with MiCA.” Peirce further claimed that U.S. authorities are “shooting ourselves in the foot” by failing to collaborate with those within the regulatory field and not recognizing DeFi’s role in creating a stable financial system.

It remains to be seen if US lawmakers will collaborate to create clearer policies for digital assets. However, crypto experts believe country’s slow approach keeps it behind the EU, UAE and the UK.

Lawrence Woriji
Lawrence Woriji Verifizierter Autor

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