ConsenSys bestätigt Stellenabbau bei 11%

  • ConsenSys schließt sich einer Reihe von Kryptofirmen, darunter Coinbase, bei der Entlassung von Mitarbeitern an.
  • Betroffene Mitarbeiter haben Anspruch auf eine großzügige Abfindung.
  • Microsoft kündigte am Mittwoch zudem an, 10.000 Mitarbeiter zu entlassen.

Confirming recent rumors, the CEO of Ethereum development company ConsenSys, Joe Lubin, announced on Wednesday that the company will be laying off 97 employees. Lubin wrote in the Post,

Today we need to make the extremely difficult decision to streamline some of ConsenSys’ teams to adjust to challenging and uncertain market conditions. This decision will impact a total of 97 employees, which represents 11% of ConsenSys’ total workforce.

According to the blog post, departing ConsenSys employees are entitled to generous severance benefits based on tenure and an expanded option exercise window from 12 to 36 months. The company also promised an extension of healthcare benefits in relevant jurisdictions and personalized support from an external placement agency. The post noted that each affected member would be notified by their manager.

ConsenSys, das seinen Hauptsitz in New York City hat und derzeit rund 900 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt, ist eines von mehreren Kryptowährungsunternehmen, die dazu gezwungen wurden entlassen staff as a result of the industry’s ongoing bear market, which is thought to have cost 27,000 jobs since April.

Lubin, in his post, emphasized ConsenSys’ financial stability by adding that the tough decision to streamline would direct the company’s strategy around its core products and the discovery of new opportunities in Web3 commerce. Lubin added that streamlining its operations was also part of its attempt to lower its operating costs.

Lubin teilte weitere Einblicke in die Entscheidung mit und sagte gegenüber CoinDesk:

We’re keeping the company strong; we didn’t cut into muscle. We sort of right-sized support functions, some customer support, some internal team support, because there’s just less activity in our ecosystem right now. I expect we’ll get back to doing quite significant and surging business in the not too distant future.

Microsoft entlässt 10.000 Mitarbeiter

Microsoft kündigte am Mittwoch an, bis zum 31. März 10.000 Mitarbeiter zu entlassen, da sich das Softwareunternehmen auf ein schwächeres Umsatzwachstum vorbereitet. Das Unternehmen wird im zweiten Quartal seines Geschäftsjahres eine Belastung von $1,2 Milliarden vornehmen, was den Gewinn pro Aktie um 12 Cent reduzieren würde.

Microsoft has now become the latest software firm to step back following a few years of intense hiring fueled by a surge in the demand for online services and skilled individuals. Several tech businesses, including Alphabet, Amazon, and Salesforce, have also reduced their workforces in recent weeks.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said the move was part of its efforts to slash expenses amid the current economic instability and to refocus on strategic goals like artificial intelligence. At the end of June, Microsoft had around 221,000 employees worldwide, so the reductions represent less than 5% of that workforce.

Lawrence Woriji
Lawrence Woriji Verifizierter Autor

Ich habe in meiner Karriere als Journalist einige spannende Geschichten berichtet und finde blockchainbezogene Geschichten sehr faszinierend. Ich glaube, dass Web3 die Welt verändern wird und möchte, dass alle daran teilhaben.

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