Robinhood Markets, iflas etmiş kripto para borsası FTX'in kurucusu Sam Bankman-Fried'e sattığı hisselerini satın almayı hedefliyor.

Robinhood, FTX Kurucusunun Şirketteki Hissesini Satın Almaya Hazır

  • Robinhood Markets, iflas etmiş kripto para borsası FTX'in kurucusu Sam Bankman-Fried'e sattığı hisselerini satın almayı hedefliyor.
  • Amerikan finansal hizmetler şirketinin yönetim kurulu da hisselerin satın alınmasına onay verdi.
  • 50 milyondan fazla HOOD hissesi ilk olarak 2022'nin başlarında Sam Bankman-Fried ve FTX'in kurucu ortağı Gary Wang tarafından satın alındı.
  • Şirket, yaklaşık $380 milyon olan net toplam gelirinde 5%'lik bir artışa tanık oldu.

Menlo Park, California merkezli en önde gelen kripto ve hisse senedi alım satım şirketlerinden biri olan Robinhood Markets, iflas etmiş kripto borsası FTX'in kurucusu ve eski CEO'su Sam Bankman-Fried'e (SBF olarak da bilinir) sattığı hisselerini satın almayı hedefliyor. kripto alanı. Bu HOOD hisseleri, birçok kuruluşun üzerinde mücadele ettiği çok önemli bir konu olmuştur. İlginç bir şekilde, Amerikan finansal hizmetler şirketinin yönetim kurulu da hisselerin satın alınması için onay verdi. 

Over 50 million Robinhood shares were first purchased by Sam Bankman-Fried and co-founder of FTX, Gary Wang, in early 2022 when rumors were circulated in the market that SBF’s exchange will take over the American financial services provider. However, this did not happen, as both companies denied the rumors not much later. Interestingly, the Department of Justice (DoJ) currently has control over the HOOD shares, which are currently worth close to $590 million at the time of writing.

dördüncü çeyreğinde bildiriRobinhood, satın aldığı hisseyi satın almak için yönetim kurulunun onayını aldığını doğruladı. 

“Looking back over the past year, I’m incredibly proud of the tremendous execution of our team on our 2022 product roadmap. We’re now starting to see meaningful traction on a number of the products we launched, which gives us confidence they can grow into significant business lines over time,” said Vlad Tenev, CEO and Co-Founder of Robinhood Markets. 

Moreover, Tenev, along with his co-founder Baiju Bhatt, also confirmed the cancellation of nearly $500 million in share-based compensation to ensure the company “has as many resources as possible to deliver value to customers and shareholders.” 2022 was a rocky year for Robinhood, as its stock plummeted significantly and the company also failed to maintain the growth rate that it had enjoyed in the bull run. 

It is crucial to note that, as per an earlier report from Bitnation, Bankman-Fried’s holding company, Emergent Fidelity Technologies, filed for bankruptcy. This is the firm that currently holds the 50 million Robinhood shares, which were purchased by SBF using funds from FTX’s sister company, Alameda Research. 

Moreover, the DoJ seized around 55,273,469 shares of Robinhood (HOOD) along with $20 million in cash from Emergent Fidelity Technologies, which were cited as the “only known assets” belonging to the holding company. Prior to the seizure by the DoJ, these shares were held by brokerage firm ED&F Man Capital Markets. These shares have been a point of contention among BlockFi, FTX creditor Yonathan Ben Shimon, and Bankman-Fried himself. 

“We continued to deliver on our product roadmap and kept our costs lean. On the capital management front, our Board authorized us to pursue purchasing most or all of our shares that Emergent Fidelity Technologies bought in May 2022. The proposed share purchase underscores the confidence the Board of Directors and management team have in our business,” Jason Warnick, Chief Financial Officer of Robinhood Markets, stated. 

Öte yandan, kazanç raporu Robinhood'un net toplam gelirinde 5%'lik bir artışa tanık olduğunu ve yaklaşık $380 milyon olduğunu doğruladı. Ancak işlem bazında gelirler 2022 dördüncü çeyrekte 11% ardışık olarak $186 milyona gerilerken, net faiz geliri 30% sırayla $167 milyona yükseldi.

Parth Dubey
Parth Dubey Doğrulanmış Yazar

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