Ripple, Saklama Hizmetleri Sunmak İçin Ayarlanan $250M İçin Metaco'yu Satın Aldı
- XRP coin'in arkasındaki firma Ripple, İsviçre merkezli dijital varlık sorumlusu Metaco'yu yaklaşık $250 milyona satın aldı.
- Firma tekliflerini genişletmeyi hedefliyor ve yakında tokenize edilmiş varlıkların velayetini, ihracı ve mutabakatını üstlenecek.
- Firmadaki geliştiriciler, dijital varlık saklama endüstrisinin 2030 yılına kadar $10 trilyona büyümesini bekliyor.
- Ripple ayrıca büyük finans kurumlarının ve işletmelerinin önümüzdeki üç yıl içinde kriptoyu entegre etmesini bekliyor.
- “Bringing on Metaco is monumental for our growing product suite and expanding global footprint,” said CEO Garlinghouse.
Ripple, a blockchain-based payments settlement company that rose in popularity due to its efficient On Demand Liquidity, or ODL, solution, has announced the acquisition of Metaco, a Switzerland-based company that provides “mission-critical custody infrastructure” and allows institutions to thrive in the digital assets industry. Metaco was founded in 2015 by Adrien Treccani, who is responsible for setting the strategy and direction of the blockchain company.
başına olarak duyuru 17 Mayıs'ta, piyasa değerine göre altıncı en büyük kripto para olan XRP tokeninin arkasındaki firma, Metaco'yu $250 milyon fiyat etiketi karşılığında satın aldığını duyurdu. Burada, Ripple'ın tekliflerini genişletmeyi ve tokenize edilmiş varlıkların gözetimini, ihraç edilmesini ve ödenmesini sağlamayı planladığını not etmek önemlidir.
The developers at Ripple wrote that, as per recent research conducted by the firm, “most global finance leaders at financial institutions and enterprises have plans to use crypto custody solutions in their businesses within the next three years—primarily through a third party provider.”
The CEO of Ripple, Brad Garlinghouse, noted that “Metaco is a proven leader in institutional digital asset custody with an exceptional executive bench and a truly unmatched customer track record,” while adding:
“Through the strength of our balance sheet and financial position, Ripple will continue pressing our advantage in the areas critical to crypto infrastructure. Bringing on Metaco is monumental for our growing product suite and expanding global footprint.”
On the other hand, the developers at the payments firm added that the acquisition of Metaco will “dramatically accelerate its growth trajectory through access to Ripple’s established base of hundreds of customers, capital to address new demand, and resources to continue delivering on its commitment to banking and institutional clients.”
As per the announcement, the firm estimates that by 2030, the crypto custody industry will reach a valuation of $10 trillion. Talking about the involvement of institutions in the crypto sector, Ripple gave examples of BNY Mellon’s crypto-custody management plans, followed by Nasdaq’s plan to debut a crypto custody solution in the second quarter of 2023.
“This deal will enable Metaco to leverage Ripple’s scale and market strength to reach our goals and deliver value to our clients at a faster pace. We look forward to continuing to serve unprecedented levels of institutional demand with the utmost excellence in delivery, as our clients have come to expect, the founder and CEO of Metaco, Treccani, commented.
It is also crucial to note that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the United States’ request to seal the Hinman Speech Documents was Yargıç Analisa Torres tarafından 16 Mayıs'ta reddedildi Bitnation'ın daha önceki bir raporuna göre, Ripple ve SEC davasında bu belgeler Ripple ve SEC davasında halka açıklanacak. Bu, Garlinghouse tarafından şeffaflık için büyük bir kazanç ilan edildi.
The motion from the SEC to seal the documents has been dismissed. The agency believes that the Hinman Speech Documents have “no relevance” in the Ripple vs. SEC case, which has been going on for quite a number of years.
On the other hand, the judge also denied certain motions asking for the sealing of certain documents from Ripple, including references linking the company’s revenues with sales of the XRP token and the amount of compensation offered to trading platforms, etc.