O presidente da SEC continua a desprezar o setor de criptografia: detalhes
- O presidente da SEC, Gary Gensler, continuou suas críticas à criptografia durante uma audiência no Congresso na quarta-feira.
- Gensler manteve uma postura combativa perante o Comitê de Serviços Financeiros da Câmara.
- Ele argumentou que as empresas de criptografia têm sido perigosamente descuidadas com os ativos dos clientes.
- Gensler também argumentou que sua agência ainda não decidiu o que fazer com as aplicações de ETF à vista de Bitcoin.
Gary Gensler, the Chairman of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), has once again slammed the digital assets sector and blockchain-focused businesses during a Congressional hearing earlier this week in the US. Interestingly, many lawmakers in the country are against Gensler’s stance on cryptocurrencies, and some have even introduced legislation to fire him.
Sob a administração Biden, a SEC e Gensler contínuo their combative stance against crypto “hucksters” while not answering key questions that surround the regulation of the blockchain industry. The chair of the US securities regulator has argued that digital asset companies have been dangerously careless with customer assets.
During his questioning in front of the House Financial Services Committee, the SEC Chair criticized the way blockchain-focused businesses manage their clients’ funds while adding that commingling assets “is a recipe that’s not led to good results.” On the other hand, he also confirmed that the agency has yet to decide what to do with the applications for the approval of the Bitcoin spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) applications.
Recentemente, um juiz decidiu a favor da Grayscale, uma empresa de gestão de ativos criptográficos, que alegou que o A SEC não tinha motivos para rejeitar seu pedido for the conversion of its flagship product, the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC), to a Bitcoin spot ETF. Circuit Judge Neomi Rao wrote that the agency’s rejection in the Grayscale Investments case had been “arbitrary and capricious.”
“It’s still an active consideration of the commission,” Gensler said in his testimony. “We have great respect for the courts.”
Interestingly, the remarks from the SEC Chair left many wondering about the future of the digital asset sector and the role of the securities regulator in it. It is important to mention here that Chairman Patrick McHenry criticized the regulator’s losing streak in court and accused the agency of aggressively targeting the digital asset ecosystem.
De acordo com relatórios anteriores, a Ripple também ganhou parcialmente um caso contra a agência reguladora em que o juiz decidiu que o token XRP não era um valor mobiliário quando vendido a investidores institucionais. Gensler deu a entender que um apelo poderá ocorrer em breve.