O autor de "Moneyball" e "The Big Short" trabalhará em um livro sobre FTX e seu fundador, Sam Bankman-Fried.

Autor de “Moneyball” escreverá um livro sobre a queda do FTX e seu chefe

  • Author of “Moneyball” and “The Big Short” will work on a book on FTX and its founder, Sam Bankman-Fried.
  • Lewis estava em uma longa conversa com Bankman-Fried, que foi colocado em prisão domiciliar pelo tribunal.
  • Em agosto, o autor afirmou que estava trabalhando em um novo livro que focará em criptomoedas.
  • Lewis teria trabalhado com a SBF antes do colapso da FTX e até apresentou a história aos compradores dos direitos do filme.

The collapse of one of the biggest crypto exchanges around the globe, FTX, and the arrest of its founder and former CEO, Sam Bankman-Fried, also called SBF in the crypto space, would make a cinematic masterpiece. Inspired by this vision, the author of some of the most successful books like “Moneyball,” “The Big Short,” and “The Blind Side,” Michael Lewis, has captured the opportunity to write a book on the implosion of the exchange.

According to a report from the NYPost, Lewis was in a very long conversation with Bankman-Fried, who has been placed on house arrest by the court and is currently living in his parents’ house. After causing a multi-billion dollar collapse, the former FTX executive is living a perfectly good life, and to add to his heritage, the crypto entrepreneur deemed a “scammer” by many, will have a book dedicated to his work.

SBF foi apreendido nas Bahamas pela Polícia Real no pedido do governo americano, que o acusou de fraude eletrônica e lavagem de dinheiro. Ele passou alguns dias na prisão de Fox Hill, em Nassau, considerada uma das mais brutais do mundo. No entanto, conforme relatado anteriormente pela Bitnation, o fundador da FTX foi recebeu tratamento especial na prisão, e também tinha acesso a uma televisão e a um jornal onde lia artigos sobre si mesmo.

É fundamental notar que após sua extradição para os EUA, SBF foi concedeu uma fiança de $250 milhões por um juiz dos EUA, o que foi inesperado pelos membros do espaço criptográfico. Muitas pessoas no Twitter comentaram que isso era resultado da extrema riqueza que o ex-executivo da FTX acumulou durante sua passagem pela bolsa.

SBF was sentenced to house arrest at his parents’ house, where he was visited by the bestselling author Michael Lewis. As per the NYPost, Lewis spent hours with SBF and talked about multiple things, but none of them have been made public. However, the two could possibly have had a chat about how the once 30-year old billionaire is now facing fraud charges and might very well face 115 years in prison.

While the founder of FTX is currently in his home in Palo Alto, it is crucial to note that, as per an entertainment publication called The Ankler, Lewis was in talks with SBF for a very long time before SBF was accused of money laundering. In August, the author stated that he was working on a new book that will focus on cryptocurrencies. He stated that the story of the new book “weirdly links up Flash Boys, The Big Short and Liar’s Poker.”

“I guess it is possible it will be framed as a crypto book, but it won’t be a crypto book. It’ll be about this really unusual character. You’ll learn all about crypto and you’ll learn about what screwed up market structure in the United States and so on,” said Lewis.

A note was leaked, which revealed that Lewis is pitching the book to potential movie rights buyers. However, anti-Bitcoin economist, Peter Schiff, stated that “If SBF is the source, it will be a work of fiction.” Michael Lewis needs to piece together what really happened from more reliable sources.”

Parth Dubey
Parth Dubey Autor verificado

Jornalista cripto com mais de 3 anos de experiência em DeFi, NFT, metaverso, etc. Parth trabalhou com grandes meios de comunicação no mundo cripto e financeiro e ganhou experiência e conhecimento em cultura criptográfica depois de sobreviver a mercados de baixa e alta ao longo dos anos.

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