A coleção NFT do Manchester United Football Club lembra a coleção de arte do popular artista NFT Lucréce.

Manchester United supostamente copiou arte para sua coleção NFT

  • Manchester United Football Club’s NFT collection resembles the art collection of popular artist Lucréce.
  • NFT artist Lucréce is in talks with Tezos co-founder Arthur Breitman as to why his design was copied without consent.
  • Lucréce’s NFT collection is substantially more expensive and older than that of Manchester United with an average price of 21 ETH.
  • O artista revelou que espera chegar a um acordo mutuamente benéfico com o Manchester United.

NFT artist Lucréce is in talks with Tezos co-founder Arthur Breitman to find out why renowned football club Manchester United’s new NFT collection features designs similar to his style and aesthetics without his consent.

Notably, the artist’s collection, which is one of Tezos’ most popular series, is substantially more expensive and older than that of Manchester United, with an average NFT price of about 21 ETH ($24,919). The Red Devils’ 7,777 NFTs, on the other hand, were each sold for around $40, quickly going out of stock.

In his recent tweet from December 28, the artist revealed that he is hoping to reach a mutually beneficial agreement with Manchester United. The similarities between Lucréce’s artwork and that of Manchester United are so striking that some online community members have questioned whether the artist was involved in the Manchester United project.

Embora o artista tenha tomado o cuidado de não acusar o Manchester United de copiar suas obras, ele postou uma imagem no Twitter comparando as duas obras de arte para que as pessoas pudessem formar suas próprias opiniões.

According to the terms and conditions of the United Collection, TRILITECH PLATFORM OÜ, “the for-profit arm of the Tezos foundation,” created the NFTs. Therefore, the Tezos Foundation has granted them the authority to mint and sell Manchester United’s digital collection.

The Devils collection is the second digital collectible drop by the English football team. Each token has its own set of attributes and allows the owner to have exclusive AMAs, private competitions, and other “surprises,” as well as exclusive airdrops. This would be the next phase of a more extensive collaboration between the team and Tezos.

Later today, Lucréce compartilhado no site de rede social que ele havia recebido uma resposta do Manchester United com a intenção de chegar a um acordo. Ele agradeceu à Tezos Community e à Tezos pelo apoio e explicou que o clube de futebol não o contatou por causa das férias.

Many of his supporters expressed their appreciation for the club’s response and praised the NFT artist for handling the situation respectfully, which differs from how most people manage controversies on Twitter.

Though Lucréce has not disclosed any details about the deal, he has jokingly asked for dinner with football star Cristiano Ronaldo.

É crucial observar que a mania do NFT continua a se infiltrar no mundo das finanças tradicionais recentemente, A China anunciou seu primeiro mercado de negociação NFT regulamentado criado pela estatal Chinese Technology Exchange, Art Exhibitions China e pela privada Huban Digital Copyrights Ltd.

Parth Dubey
Parth Dubey Autor verificado

Jornalista cripto com mais de 3 anos de experiência em DeFi, NFT, metaverso, etc. Parth trabalhou com grandes meios de comunicação no mundo cripto e financeiro e ganhou experiência e conhecimento em cultura criptográfica depois de sobreviver a mercados de baixa e alta ao longo dos anos.

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