Finanzas del equipo

Ankr culpa de $5 Million Exploit a un ex empleado

  • Ankr previously acknowledged that a stolen deployer key that was used to update the protocol’s smart contracts was behind the attack. However, it did not reveal how the deployer key was obtained at the time.

The Ankr team, which on December 1 suffered a $5 million hack, has announced on its website that a former employee was responsible for the attack on the protocol. The DeFi platform dijo that the former team member was able to carry out the supply chain attack by inserting harmful code into a package of upcoming updates to the team’s internal software. The malicious code, once updated, produced a security flaw that gave the attacker access to the platform’s server and stole the team’s deployer key.

La falla permitió a un usuario acuñar 6 cuatrillones de tokens aBNBc, que el hacker convertidos rápidamente en Binance Coin (BNB) antes de enviarlos a Tornado Cash, un servicio de mezcla de criptomonedas. El atacante pudo cambiar los tokens BNB por 5 millones de USDC.

Ankr said it has notified the appropriate authorities and is working to have the attacker prosecuted. The team is also working to improve security to safeguard future access to its keys. The team said in a statement,

El exploit fue posible en parte porque hubo un único punto de falla en nuestra clave de desarrollador. Ahora implementaremos la autenticación de varias firmas para las actualizaciones que requerirán la aprobación de todos los custodios de claves durante intervalos de tiempo restringido, lo que hará que un ataque futuro de este tipo sea extremadamente difícil, si no imposible. Estas características mejorarán la seguridad del nuevo contrato ankrBNB y todos los tokens de Ankr.

Furthermore, Ankr has pledged to enhance HR procedures and will mandate that all workers, including those who work remotely, face increased background checks. The team also promised to review access privileges to ensure that only employees who need access to critical information will have clearance to access it. The DeFi protocol also plans to install new notification systems to notify the staff more promptly if a problem occurs.

Lawrence Woriji
Lawrence Woriji Autor verificado

He cubierto algunas historias emocionantes en mi carrera como periodista y encuentro muy interesantes las historias relacionadas con blockchain. Creo que Web3 cambiará el mundo y quiero que todos sean parte de él.

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