Bitcoin ist die Lösung für Cybersicherheitsbedrohungen: Michael Saylor
- Michael Saylor, Geschäftsführer von Microstrategy, glaubt, dass Krypto und Bitcoin Lösungen für Cybersicherheitsbedrohungen sind, die durch KI verursacht werden.
- He said that there are billions of fake accounts on social media platforms responsible for waging a “digital war” in society.
- Künstliche Intelligenz und andere Technologien der nächsten Generation werden Deepfake billiger und schwerer zu erkennen machen, glaubt Saylor.
- Die Lösung für Deepfake und andere digitale Vertrauensprobleme liege in dezentralen Identitäten (DIDs), sagte der Bitcoin-Unterstützer.
Michael Saylor, the former CEO and Executive Chairman of business software analytics company MicroStrategy, has been a supporter of the world’s biggest cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC), for a very long time, and his company holds the record for the most BTC held by a corporate entity. Interestingly, as per Saylor, the leading cryptocurrency is the solution to cybersecurity threats that are driven by artificial intelligence, or AI, such as deepfake, synthetic media that have been digitally manipulated to replace one person’s likeness convincingly with that of another.
In einem Interview mit Kitco News, dem begeisterten Bitcoin-Anhänger angegeben that there are currently billions of fake accounts on social media platforms that are responsible for waging a “digital war” in today’s society, trying to stir hatred among the real users of these platforms. These accounts have been created by robots using automation, a technology that forms the basis of AI.
“The risk in cyberspace is I can spin up a billion fake people, and I can create a civil war by having the fake Republicans hate on the fake Democrats, or the real Democrats. Having the fake Democrats hate on the real Republicans,” Saylor stated.
Der MicroStrategy-Manager stellte fest, dass künstliche Intelligenz und andere Technologien der nächsten Generation Deepfaking billiger und schwerer zu erkennen machen werden. Der Bitcoin-Enthusiast gab an, dass er täglich über 2.000 Fake-Follower auf der Social-Media-Plattform Twitter erhält und derzeit 3 Millionen Follower hat.
“I literally saw in a matter of one hour, 1500 bot accounts got scrubbed off my account, and they were bots. So, we can no longer live with that status quo,” said Saylor while adding that the solution for deepfake and other digital trust issues lies in decentralized identities (DIDs).
A DID is basically a way to identify humans in the digital world to prevent robotic accounts from wreaking havoc. These are self-owned, independent identities that enable trusted data exchange. “If someone wants to launch a billion Twitter bots, that’s going to cost them a billion transactions […]. By combining the power of cryptography with the power of a decentralized crypto network like Bitcoin, we can bring cost and consequence into cyberspace,” he explained.
Saylor und sein Unternehmen MicroStrategy konzentrieren sich voll und ganz auf das Bitcoin-Netzwerk, und infolgedessen verkaufte das Unternehmen einige seiner Klasse-A-Aktien für einen Gesamtverkaufserlös von etwa $500 Millionen BTC kaufen im September letzten Jahres.
Furthermore, as reported earlier by Bitnation, the company posted a total profit of $94 million in Q1 2023 with $121.9 million in revenue, a 2.2% increase from Q1 2022. Phong Lee, the CEO of MicroStrategy, stated that his company’s “conviction” in Bitcoin is as “strong” as ever, adding that his company “continued to strategically manage our balance sheet through the addition of 7,500 bitcoins in the quarter for a total of 140,000.”
“As of March 31, 2023, the original cost basis and market value of MicroStrategy’s bitcoin were $4.172 billion and $3.986 billion, respectively, which reflects an average cost per bitcoin of approximately $29,803 and a market price per bitcoin of $28,468.44, respectively,” noted the company.