Bankman-Fried wurde angewiesen, die Namen der Unterzeichner von Anleihen preiszugeben

  • Der Bundesrichter behauptet, Bankman-Fried habe sich nicht an das Berufungsgericht gewandt.
  • Larry Kramer noted that his association with the case was due to his long-lasting friendship with Bankman-Fried’s parents.

A federal judge ruled on Wednesday that the co-signers of Sam Bankman-Fried’s bond should be made public after Bankman-Fried failed to apply to the appeals court. The 30-year-old entered a not guilty plea to fraud charges related to the bankruptcy of FTX. Bankman-Fried’s parents, Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried, co-signed the $250 Millionen Anleihe um seine Rückkehr vor Gericht zu sichern.

Vor Mittwoch wurden die Namen von zwei weiteren Bürgen zurückgehalten; Der US-Bezirksrichter Lewis Kaplan entschied jedoch, dass ihre Identitäten nun öffentlich gemacht werden müssen. Laut den neu ungeschwärzten Aufzeichnungen, Larry Kramer and Andreas Paepcke each signed bonds totaling $500,000 and $200,000 to guarantee Bankman-Fried’s appearance in court.

Kramer is a former dean of Stanford Law School, while Paepcke is a senior research scientist. Kramer told reporters that his relationship with Bankman-Fried’s parents, who are both Stanford instructors, led him to post bail for the FTX founder.

Kramer sagte in einer Erklärung,

Joe Bankman and Barbara Fried have been close friends of my wife and I since the mid-1990s. During the past two years, while my family faced a harrowing battle with cancer, they have been the truest of friends, bringing food, providing moral support, and frequently stepping in at a moment’s notice to help. In turn, we have sought to support them as they face their own crisis.

Kramer added that his actions are “in my personal capacity” and that he has “no business dealings or interest in this matter other than to help our loyal and steadfast friends.” Prior to his ruling on Wednesday, Judge Lewis Kaplan consented to seal the names of the co-signers. Bankman-Fried’s attorneys pushed for the confidentiality of the information in a court document, claiming that the popularity of the case and the overwhelming media attention it is receiving could lead to serious privacy and safety issues for the co-signers.

Dies ist eine sich entwickelnde Geschichte, die aktualisiert wird, um weitere Details aufzunehmen.

Lawrence Woriji
Lawrence Woriji Verifizierter Autor

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