Coinbase, ABD Yasalarını İhlal Ettiğini Biliyordu, SEC'i İddia Ediyor
- SEC, Coinbase'den borsanın ABD yasalarını ihlal ettiğini bildiğini belirten bir özete yanıt verdi.
- The regulator said that the crypto exchange “made the calculated decision to take on this risk.”
- Coinbase legal chief Paul Grewal said that the SEC filing contradicts Gary Gensler’s statements.
- Borsa, SEC'in kripto borsasını dava etme yetkisine sahip olmadığına inanıyor.
According to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the leading exchange in the country, Coinbase, knew that it was in violation of US securities laws prior to the regulator’s lawsuit. The two entities have been arguing over the listing of some of the cryptocurrencies on the exchange that the regulator considers securities.
SEC bir teklif sundu mahkeme dosyası in response to Coinbase’s claims that the regulator does not have sufficient authority to file a lawsuit against the crypto exchange. It is crucial to note that the regulator kripto ticaret platformuna dava açtı Haziran ayında, Brian Armstrong liderliğindeki şirketin kayıt dışı bir menkul kıymetler borsası işlettiğini iddia etti.
Davada düzenleyici kurum, kayıt dışı menkul kıymetler olan Solana (SOL), Cardano (ADA) vb. dahil olmak üzere 13 farklı kripto para biriminden bahsetti.
“Coinbase, a multi-billion-dollar entity advised by sophisticated legal counsel, argues it was unaware that its conduct risked violating the federal securities laws, and suggests that by approving Coinbase’s registration statement in 2021, the SEC confirmed the legality of Coinbase’s underlying business activities – at that time and for all time,” the SEC said.
In the filing sent by the lawyers representing the SEC to Judge Katherine Polk Failla of the Southern District Court of New York, the regulator said that Coinbase “adopted the very legal framework as a basis for making listing decisions that it now claims has no applicability to its activities.”
Paul Grewal, the Chief Legal Officer at the crypto exchange, said that the SEC is ignoring the statements made by Chair Gary Gensler a month ago, wherein he said that “there are no regulatory authorities applicable to cryptocurrency exchanges.”
Coinbase'den gelen dosyaların, müşteriler için potansiyel bir riskin, listelenen dijital varlıkların menkul kıymet olarak kabul edilmesi olasılığı etrafında döndüğüne de işaret ettiğini belirtmek önemlidir.
“These actions clearly show that Coinbase understood that the securities laws could apply to its conduct and knew which rules to consider in evaluating the legality of its conduct, but nevertheless made the calculated decision to take on this risk in the name of growing its business,” the SEC filing said.