O projeto de lei de “Emissão de Ativos Digitais” abre caminho para o tão aguardado título lastreado em Bitcoin, chamado de “Título do Vulcão em El Salvador.

El Salvador Aprova o Projeto de Lei Associado a Títulos lastreados em Bitcoin

  • O projeto de lei de “Emissão de Ativos Digitais” abre caminho para o tão aguardado título lastreado em Bitcoin, chamado de “Título do Vulcão em El Salvador.
  • O projeto foi aprovado em 11 de janeiro com 62 votos a favor e 16 votos contra e será transformado em lei quando aprovado pelo presidente.
  • The National Bitcoin Office of El Salvador recently tweeted about the bill’s passage and said it will soon begin issuing the bonds.
  • The technology provider for the Volcano Bond, Bitfinex, also took to Twitter to celebrate the bill’s passage.

El Salvador, the first country to adopt Bitcoin as a legal tender, has finally passed the landmark bill, providing the legal framework for all digital assets except Bitcoin. Moreover, the law also paves the way for the country’s highly-anticipated Bitcoin-backed bond, called the “Volcano Bond,” which aims to pay down the country’s sovereign debt and fund Bukele’s highly ambitious construction plans for “Bitcoin City.”

The bill, which was passed on January 11 with 62 votes in favor and 16 votes against, is expected to become law following its ratification by President Nayib Bukele. The National Bitcoin Office of El Salvador recently tweeted about the bill’s passage and said it will soon begin issuing the bonds.

Conforme relatado anteriormente pela Bitnation, El Salvador estabeleceu uma nova agência chamada National Bitcoin Office (ONBTC) to lead all the projects related to blockchain and cryptocurrencies in the Central American nation. The agency has been given freedom to collaborate and design projects involving Bitcoin and also join forces with organizations based in other nations for the same and its task will be to “design, diagnose, plan, program, coordinate, follow up, measure, analyze and evaluate plans, programs, and projects related to bitcoin for the economic development of the country.”

O provedor de tecnologia para o Volcano Bond, Bitfinex, também foi ao Twitter para comemoro the bill’s passage. Interestingly, the term “volcano” for the bonds is derived from the nation’s Bitcoin City, which is projected to become a renewable crypto-mining hub fuelled by hydrothermal energy from the nearby Conchagua volcano.

De acordo com para a Bitfinex, o Volcano Bond, ou Volcano Tokens, permitiria a El Salvador levantar fundos para pagar sua dívida soberana, financiar o desenvolvimento da Bitcoin City e estabelecer a infraestrutura de mineração Bitcoin.

A renomada plataforma de troca de criptomoedas também observou que a tão esperada cidade seria uma zona econômica especial, semelhante às da China, com vantagens fiscais, regulamentos que suportam criptomoedas e outros incentivos para as pessoas iniciarem negócios com Bitcoin.

“With the passing of this digital securities law, El Salvador will offer unprecedented consumer protection from bad actors in the ‘crypto’ space while also firmly establishing that we are open for business to all those who wish to build the future with us on bitcoin,” Bitfinex further stated.

Notavelmente, o governo pretende levantar $1 bilhões dos títulos, com metade disso dedicado ao desenvolvimento da zona econômica especial.

The new law also establishes the National Digital Assets Commission, a regulatory body tasked with enforcing El Salvador’s securities laws, protecting the rights of issuers and purchasers of digital assets, and preventing fraudsters from conducting business in the Bitcoin City.

In a recent interview, Samson Mow, a supporter of Bitcoin who worked on the development of the Volcano Token, said that the recently passed law would help make the nation a “major” financial hub.

“The move to pass the new Digital Securities Law, and enable new instruments like the Bitcoin Bonds, will help El Salvador to pay off their existing debts and will be critical to transforming the country into a major financial center of the world,” he stated.

Parth Dubey
Parth Dubey Autor verificado

Jornalista cripto com mais de 3 anos de experiência em DeFi, NFT, metaverso, etc. Parth trabalhou com grandes meios de comunicação no mundo cripto e financeiro e ganhou experiência e conhecimento em cultura criptográfica depois de sobreviver a mercados de baixa e alta ao longo dos anos.

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