SBF настаивал на сделке с Тейлор Свифт до краха FTX
- Партнерство обошлось бы в $100 миллионов FTX в течение трех лет.
- FTX подписала несколько спонсорских соглашений с известными звездами спорта, прежде чем потерпела крах.
The now-bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX was reportedly in the final stages of negotiating an endorsement deal with Taylor Swift that was expected to be worth more than $100 million. Prior to its collapse, FTX was known for several high-profile deals with celebrities and sports figures.
The failed arrangement with the Hollywood star was said to have involved possible tour sponsorship and a ticketing scheme with digital certificates in the form of non-fungible tokens. Inside sources claim Swift never considered consenting to promote the exchange. Regardless, the news of Bankman-Fried’s pursuit of a deal with the megastar comes as no surprise, seeing the caliber of stars he was able to attract to the exchange.
An FTX employee claimed the company’s executives begged Bankman-Fried to conserve cash and cease spending hundreds of millions of dollars on celebrity sponsorships as the industry was slowly suffering from a liquidity crisis. However, all pleas allegedly fell on deaf ears.
The 30-year-old entrepreneur, who had relied on branding and publicity to transform his cryptocurrency exchange from a fledgling to a veteran, remained adamant about bringing on one more high-profile name to the exchange.
FTX executives who chose to remain anonymous claim the deal with Swift would have been disastrous for FTX due to the high price tag. Furthermore, a half-dozen former firm executives and business partners claimed Bankman-Fried’s determination to seal the deal mirrored his habit of ignoring warning signs from his executives and going it alone.
Бэнкман-Фрид, когда-то провозглашенный одним из самых ярких имен в криптографии, поразил мир своей простотой и веселым поведением. Опальный основатель FTX также изображал из себя щедрый миллиардер кто верил в эффективный альтруизм.
Бэнкман-Фрид, которого часто видели в шортах и футболке, также был одним из крупнейших спонсоров политиков в Вашингтоне. Но за кулисами он руководил организацией с минимальным контролем над ним и без совета директоров, который мог бы возложить на него ответственность.
FTX was previously valued at $32 billion earlier this year, but doubts about the crypto exchange’s financial stability and client demands for withdrawals that were denied contributed to the company’s collapse last month.
Бэнкман-Фриду грозит уголовное наказание и годы тюремного заключения. Но это не помешало ему предоставить интервью and staying active on social media. The 30-year-old recently said, “I don’t see what good is accomplished by me just sitting locked in a room pretending the outside world doesn’t exist.”
Бэнкман-Фрид уже ушел с поста генерального директора обанкротившейся FTX. Однако его будущее в криптоиндустрии остается неопределенным из-за слухов о его теневых сделках.